The Joke shop

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It was the 3rd August as we took a trip to Diagon Alley for our school supplies.

But as we got into the shop where the double of one of the Weasley twins were lifting a hat up with a bunny underneath, and then it placed it back down and then up revealing no rabbit.

In the shop, sparks of light came as Fred and George were on the stairs over looking everything.

"Step up! Step up!" The twins both shouted together.

"We've got Fainting Fancies!" Fred shouted to them all.

"Nosebleed nougats!" George then said to them all.

"And just in time for school..." Fred started then.

"Puking pastilles." George finished to that as he was smiling at the shops progress.

George was then holding a Cauldron as they were next to a boy. "Into the Cauldron, handsome." They both said as the boy was going to be sick whilst a girls hair was in sparks. Ron Weasley however was there looking around and as I was smiling as I heard all the laughter and happiness as my ears twitched, and Fred and George came and placed their arms around.

"Worth, how are you doing? The joke shops doing great and we can't thank you enough for helping us." Fred said and I blushed. I didn't need thanking.

"Don't worry about it twins." I said and George ruffled her hair and I straightened it.

Then I heard Umbridge on a high wire. "I really hate children. I will have Order!" It kept saying as someone was walking up the walls in shoes, as Potter was looking at something on the shelf.

"Peruvian instant darkness powder." Potter said and the twins rolled their eyes as they came to him.

"A real money spinner, that. Your sisters own creation of course." Fred informed and Potter sneered.

"Handy if you want to make a quick get away." George informed and then I, Hermione and Luna around the love potion, especially Ginny. Love Potions?

"Hello, ladies." The twins both said and I placed down the potion that was in a pink vial.

"Love potions, eh?" Fred asked them with a smirk.

"They really do work." George informed as he smirked.

"Then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing fine on your own." George told her and I sighed as I placed the potion down as I knew someone wouldn't love me for me anyways so what's the point.

"Meaning?" Ginny asked with defensiveness.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George asked her as a matter of fact.

"It's none of your business." Ginny said and walked away.

"And aren't you doing fine with kissing Moody, Worth?" Fred teased and I blushed bright red and Hermione snickered with Luna and I shot the twins a glare for even mentioning him.

"Come on guys, we don't need them." I muttered to the girls and they nodded looking sheepish, as McLagan was checking Hermione out.

"How much is this?" Weasley asked the twins and they exchanged looks.

"5 galleons." They both said to their younger brother.

"How much for me?" Weasley asked then. "I'm your brother."

"10 galleons." They both said due to they wouldn't sell cheaper to Ron as he bullied Worth.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Weasley said to Finnigan and Potter and they left.

"Hi Ron." Lavender said and Weasley looked to her.

"Hi." He said and then left.

I, Neville, Luna and Hermione were looking towards each other as we then followed secretly behind them as we wondered what they were up too.

"How are the twins doing this? They don't really have any money." Finnigan said to the group as I scowled at that, that wasn't nice.

"Blind Worthless uses the Tournament money to open it." Potter sneered darkly.

"Yes but half the alley is closed down." Weasley said to that one and we watched/heard them, as we scowled at the name Blind Worthless. "And besides, the twins reckon people need a laugh these days."

"And I reckon their right." I whispered and the group nodded in agreement, they need a laugh with Voldemort back.

"Oh, no. Everyone got their wands from Ollivanders." Hermione whispered and Luna nodded and the group went in unnoticed by Potter, Weasley and Finnigan and I sighed. This was all my fault.

"This will need a lot of work, Worth." Luna said dreamily to Worth and I nodded as I felt around through the burnt wood under my fingers as I knew I can fix this.

"It's going to be a real fixer upper." Neville informed looking at the wood.

"But with some elbow grease we could do it." Hermione said and looked around the black burned out shop.

"And money to do it with." Neville added and I nodded.

"After all this is over I'll help Ollivander get it back up and running again." I said and nodded as I wasn't heartless, Ollivander will need help.

Weasley, Potter and Finnigan were walking. "Harry? Is it me, or do Draco and Mummy look like two people that doesn't want to be followed?" Finnigan said and Potter looked to the shifty pair as they went down an alley as the three followed, them as posters of Fenrir Greyback were on the walls.

Draco and Narcissa though were heading for Borgin and Burkes as the three followed down the alley, and it I, Neville, Hermione and Luna followed in the shadows quickly after them. The two enter the shop.

A window glowing a golden light. Potter, Finnigan and Weasley go up on the roof and I turned myself invisible and so does the others as we climbed up silently after them.

Narcissa, Draco and some others entered the shop at the back and I was concerned with the rest of them as Potter, Finnigan and Weasley weren't as they watched as Draco ran his hands on a cabinet and someone blocked the window and it was Fenrir Greyback.

Neville was pinned down by Luna and I with Hermione's help as we were invisible, but Fenrir looked directly to where we were hidden and the blinds went down. He just have sensed someone watching us. After that we snuck away from the idiots.

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