The Weasleys

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When Dumbledore dropped us off, we landed with a splash and groans as I was now soaked to the bones. Thank you Dumbledore, I really needed this tonight as I got up.

"Worthless." Potter sneered and pushed Worthless back into the water. "That was your fault." He said and I was getting annoyed with him.

"How the hell is it my fault, Potter. You just can't stand that you just can't get apparition landing right." I sneered as I was back on my feet. "Just like your father." I sneered and Potter glared as it was about to come down to a fight and I knew it.

Potter lunged at Worthless punched her in the face and I kicked him off, making him splash back into the water and I glared to him. "I wouldn't try that again, Potter." I sneered and I walked off as Potter glared darkly. I knew he shouldn't try that again or I would kill him.

As I walked through the water with each splash, I was not happy about this at all as my ears were twitching as I sensed familiar magic as I looked towards where it came from, to sense Hermione, Draco, Neville and Luna. They are here then.


However inside, Ginny was walking down the stairs picking a book up when she suddenly heard something and she saw Hedwig with Harry's trunk and then Worthless's trunk. "Hedwig." Ginny said and walked off. "Mum?" Ginny called and Molly Weasley looked down into the house.

"Ginny, what is it?" Molly asked Ginny.

"I was only wondering when Harry got here." Ginny said and not mentioning Worthless. Who'd ever want to know about her?

"What? Harry? Harry who?" Molly said to that, confused.

"Harry Potter, of course." Ginny informed her mother, how could she forget about Harry?

"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?" Molly said and asked.

"His trunks in the kitchen, and his owl." Ginny said to her.

"No, dear, I seriously doubt that." Molly said to that one.

Hedwig chirped. Footsteps approached the landing. "Harry, did someone say "Harry"?" Ron asked and looked down.

"Me, nosy. Is he up there with you?" Ginny asked Ron.

"Of course not. I'd know if my best friend was in my house, wouldn't I?" Ron said and then Hermione, Draco, Neville and Luna came over to the landing.

"Is Worth here since she's always here this summer?" Hermione said to that one, as they heard Potter was here, Worth couldn't be too far behind then.

"No. You haven't seen Harry, have you? He's apparently wondering around the house." Ginny said and Seamus was there and Hermione knew she lied.

"Really?" Seamus asked and with that and everyone ran down the stairs.

"Harry!" Molly shouted and they ran into the room where I and Potter were glaring at each other as we were both soaked.

Ginny though  ran and hugged Harry while Hermione, Draco, Neville and Luna hugged Worth.

"Worth!" Hermione said and I chuckled at seeing one of my girl best friends here. Merlin I missed my friends.

"What a lovely surprise." Molly said and looked to Potter. "Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" Molly asked as she held Potter's face.

"I didn't know. Dumbledore." Potter informed her.

"Oh, that man." Molly said and smiled. "But then, what would we do without him?" Molly asked and I flinched as I didn't know what I'd do without Dumbledore due to he protected Hogwarts and his students. Even though he was concerned more about Potter as Draco stiffened and paled.

"We really don't want to find out." I whispered and the others nodded. They really didn't want to know what chaos would unfold then.

As after that, me, Hermione, Draco, Neville and Luna went up to the room they were staying in, as I had my wand pointed at a newspaper as Draco was pale, and I looked towards him. "Don't worry Draco, were all in this together like you said to me before summer." I said and Draco nodded and tried to relax. But he just can't with knowing what he had to do.

"Yes but Voldemort wants me to kill him." Draco said and Hermione hugged him, reassuring him that everything would be all right.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to." I informed him. "And besides he's stronger and can take care of himself. But anyways, when did you all get here?"

"A few days ago." Neville informed. "Unfortunately my nan made sure I'd come because you know with Potter, Weasley and Finnigan here I'm sure we were going to kill them."

"Though, for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming." Hermione informed and I looked curiously on why she wouldn't want to come.

"My dad sort of lost it last week." Luna informed them. "Said I had no business going back to Hogwarts. That it's too dangerous." Luna told Worth and I frowned. "He's scared for my safety. But he's not alone with some of the parents with You Know Who being back." Neville nodded in agreement.

"Oh, come on." I said to that one in disbelief, how can they not come...Dumbledore is stronger and Voldemort fears him.

"Their not alone. Even my parents, they're Muggles know something's bad's happening." Hermione said and I sighed. Yes, Deatheaters and Voldemort are starting a war and we needed to end it. Everyone knows a war is on the verge of becoming horrible.

"Anyway, luckily, Augustas stepped in, told all of our parents they were being barmy and it took a few days, but they've come around." Draco informed. "My parents are worried due to the mission, and with him wanting me to follow him. But I don't want to but I need to keep my parents safe." Draco informed.

"But this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?" I said trying to make it encouraging to them.

"There's been a lot of talk recently Worth that..." Hermione said and she was really hesitant on how to say it. "Dumbledores got a bit old." Hermione said and I looked towards her for that saying. Dumbledore old? He's not that old.

"Rubbish! Well, he's only..." Neville started as he didn't know himself. "What is he?" Neville asked and was confused.

"Hundred and fifty? Give or take a few years." Draco said to that and us lot chuckled.

"In fact he's only just turned 115 in July." I said to that one and we all talked more as the newspaper burned with a picture of Lucius.

Worthless the Forgotten One and the Half Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now