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In London, Muggles were hearing thunder as they watched from the windows as in the sky, a skull with black smoke coming out of its mouth heading towards the bridge with muggles crossing as they went through London to Diagon Alley to smash Ollivanders.

People were screaming as they ran but behind them. But Fenrir Greyback came dragging out someone as they apparated away.


Muggles walking on the bridge. But suddenly Deatheaters were coming as another light came that was white.

Me, Percival, Ariana, Aaron, Amelia and Fabian with Gideon were headed right for the Deatheaters that were reported a little late but we couldn't save Ollivander but we can save these muggles. As the Deatheaters came and so did we as suddenly it became a battle field as Ariana shouted to the Muggles to run and the Muggles were screaming as they panicked.

I took on Rosier Sr and we both fought like hell as Fabian and Gideon with Aaron defended with Amelia as Percival helped the Muggles to run.

"Move it!" Ariana snapped in her cloak and mask as Percival helped the elderly to safety and I suddenly stopped as my ears twitched as I picked up a voice.

"Mummy! Daddy!" A young child shouted and I sighed and then flew down quickly to the child picking the child up, and the child looked to Worthless who was in a cloak and mask.

"Magic woman." The child said clapping and I sighed and smiled at the child's antics as I flew down to the Muggle parents and they came cautiously as the Muggles looked to us who saved them and I smiled and handed the child over. I couldn't blame them after that display.

"Thank you." The woman said and hugged Worthless and I smiled to the woman.

"Your welcome, now get home, you don't want to be around here." I said and with that we all ran off to apparate.

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