Chapter 7| home?

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Taeths POV.

I walk into BTS and Got7s hotel to be greeted by BamBam and Tae killing me with a bear hug.

"C-can't breath.." I stutter out signaling them to let go. I laugh at there worried faces.

"Im fine! Don't worry" I put my hand and each of there shoulders and smile.

I wasen't fine though. My head was all over the place. I was scared to just get in Jacksons car to get here... I didn't wanna worry them. I look down to see my hand shaking I quickley move it behind me and smile.

"Jackson Oppa weres my room?" I ask turning around to look at him.

"Well.. are you okay with sharing a room with one of the boys?" Jackosn says quietly. I shrug and nod.

"Okay everyone pull out a sheet of paper it will have a colour on them if you have the same colour your roomates." Namjoon states we all nod grabbing different sheets of paper.

Jinyoung + JB yellow
Jackson + Namjoon (jackmon) pink
Tae + BamBam (chaos team) grey
Yugyeom + Jin blue
Youngjae + J-hope green
Jimin + Kookie red
Suga + Taeth Black

"Do we really have to put Yoongi and Taeth together" Jackson wines.

"Rules are rules" Namjoon shrugs.

"But they litraly won't get up!" Jackson teases.

"Says the one who snorse like a duck" I retort.

"I do not!" Jackson shouts embaressed.
"Mhmm... I need to go get my clothes from my apartment if im gonna be living with ya'll" I say grabbing my phone.

"Ill drive you" Jackson says getting his keys.

"No! I-i mean its better to walk than waist petrol" I smile at him.

"Okay, want me to walk with you?" Jackson asks. I shake my head.

"Im fine!" I smile opening the door and I leave.

Finally time to think about all this messed up shit thats happening.
At the hospital.

"Your living with us" Jackson states blandly.

"What! Its a room full of guys!" I shout back at him.

"I don't care! The car crash wasent a accident and you know this!" Jackson says angrliy.

"You don't mean.." i stutter.

"Hes back..." He says quietly.

"Why... why..." I break into tears.

My ex is now back from prision....

And hes coming after me... again.

*end of flashback*

I take a deep breath and then open my eyes to realise there werw tears streaming quickly down my face.

"For christ sake.." I grumble wiping my eyes. I begin walking again.

I grab my phone checking the percenage..

"93% few" I smile at the screen and put it back in my pocket.

I get to my apartment door to see it had been forced open. I step away from the door hearing ruffling.

I quickly grab my phone shaking.. the first contact to come up was.

There little tiger.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum