Chapter four

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You eagerly dashed out of your house as you heard your little brother count down from twenty. A hint of wonder took over the fragile you as you took off somewhere. Anywhere. It didn't matter where as long as you were hiding somewhere that would take your brother a long time to find. The feeling of technically winning was something you would strive for in hide and seek, even though your brother would eventually find you.

You weren't used going outside the house as much but you wanted to find the perfect hiding spot. A spot you never hid before. A spot that would entertain you for a while. A spot that just fit your entire body. Your own personal spot that you would rely on multiple times. You ran through the neighborhood without bothering to check how far away you were at home. The only thing you remembered encountering was a female adult with her dog but that's all you saw. Everything else was like smears on a painting or a mirror. An unclear image that you back then didn't care about.

It took a ton of stamina for you to reach a certain area in the neighborhood. A park that was surrounded by a large green field for people to play sports or admire.

You halted in place as you looked at the destination. You felt the grass tickled your short legs as a pink petal gently made its way on top of your head. Your arms were casually swaying as you just stood there in front of a park with no one around, the breeze passing through your hair and your clothing in this summer afternoon. You finally found the place to hide...under the slides in the park.

You began slowly approaching the area as the wind continued blowing, leaving the pink petal resting on the spot that you were in. You focused on the spot that you needed to hide, not the other places that could be fun to play in. You took one step, then another, then another, then another...

...then another...

..and then...


You landed on a pile of wood chips. Your eyes widened at a sound of someone's movement that seemed to be under the playground. It was quiet but loud enough for you to hear since you were in front of the slide. A slight panic steamed your heart as you stood completely still, slightly scared that someone was there even though you thought there was no one.

What to do now?

That was the one question that you had as you heard the footsteps again. You knew that you were supposed to hide somewhere at this point but there was something that concerned you even more and it was this. And you knew that you might as well run for it to avoid anything there and find another hiding spot.

Before darting out of the park, a boy about your age stepped out of your supposed hiding spot. He was your average little kid, but there were noticeable injuries on his arms as he looked towards you with his dull eyes. You couldn't grasp his features since you didn't care about it as much but the boy was shorter than you and looked very pale.

You went up to the boy bravely, despite how you acted before, and grasp on his hands. A look of guilt was plastered on your face as you stared at the boy who you noticed an injure on his arm.

"W-What happened?" You asked him, who responded with silence. You weren't the type to approach to strangers casually but the bleeding of his arm threw away your concerns for strangers. You were determined to do something about it. The boy looked at the ground without a reply. But that didn't stop you from wanting to help him out.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, but I'm going to get my mom to patch these up okay?"

You took the male's hand with your firm one. You knew he was harmless once you were held his hand. His shivering body that he seemed to hide made you knew he went through something and needed help.

Stolen Heart (Kokichi x reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now