Chapter three

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You held onto a board game as you rushed on the carpet of the living room to place your game on it. The little you, who was impatient back then, began to tear apart the wrappers of the game and unboxed the container to see a set of checkers stored in a box. A smile enveloped the little you as you eagerly dumped the content on the carpet with excitement.

I can't wait for him to come over here to play with me in this game! He usually comes every week!

After putting the different coins in order, you laid on the floor like you were going to make a snow angel. It didn't take about five minutes before your mother spoke up.

"Sweetie, what are you doing on the ground like that?" Your mom questioned while getting ready for dinner.

"Mom, I'm waiting for my best friend to be here. He always likes to play games with me and can be a bit annoyed if he isn't the first one to challenge me, so I'm waiting till he gets here."

"Why don't you play with your little brother in the meantime then?"

"He always tries to get my best friend's attention everything time and it sort of bothers me." You crossed your arms and scoffed.

"My, I didn't know my daughter can get jealous very easily."

"Mom! I'm not jealous! He always distracts my best friend with hugs or something and we can never finish our game!"

"Whatever you say~ He's going to be here so do something while you wait."

After your mother finished your sentence, a loud doorbell sound rang through the living room as you got off the floor and ran to the front door, greeting your dad who was reaching for the door.

"Open the door! Open the door dad! He is here, isn't he? I want to play with him!"

"Sweetheart, you must be very excited for a guy who lives near us and sees you every week?" A moment later, a slightly annoyed expression was on your father's face. "I hope he isn't stealing my daughter's heart already, especially since you are just 5 years old."

"Quit it, dad, you know we aren't like that! Anyways open the door so I can show him my checkerboard!" You pouted while rushing the man to open the door already.

"Alright, alright!" He said as he opened the front slowly.


"Past, (Y/N) wake up."

Your eyes fluttered open as you stated at a room filled with darkness. Well, not complete darkness since there was a visible light in front of you, revealing the girl who tagged along with you at the supermarket. You immediately looked at what was around you.

Your bottom was cushioned on an unfamiliar chair that seemed very classy with colors like white and purple. Along with the chair you were sitting on, your hands were cuffed with a newly steel handcuff that happened to restrained your hand. Nothing seemed to change about what was on you but you felt that something was still off. That there was something out of place besides the unknown place you were in and the position.

While you skimmed around your body with the minimal light that was given, you noticed the girl approaching you to where she was right in front of you. The distance between you two was short enough for you to feel like your personal space was invaded.

"(Y/N)! Nyeh, Nyeh, Nyeh! You seemed like you are looking for something!" She pointed out with a playful smile.

Girl you better back 3 yards away from me before I do something once I somehow remove these chains!

Stolen Heart (Kokichi x reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now