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You thought everything was okay. Everything was going to be the same as always. That you will always play tag with your little brother outside the front porch of your family's small house, laughing as you gently tap your brother's back. That you will always smell the daily morning breakfast that your mom serves as she hums a classical Christmas song despite the season not being winter. That you will always get to show off your collection of your favorite trading card game to your dad, grinning as he ruffles your hair. That was what you thought.

Like a simple click to your favorite game, everything crashed down in your life. You tried to believe that it was just a small conflict that would be resolved in a couple hours or two. Yet, it never came and watching your mother holding your little brother's hand just prove your hope wrong.

You could remember the event that showed you why everything was not okay. Her (H/C) hair covered the back of her navy blue buttoned down shirt as she pulled your little brother away. Her menacing glare as she stared with her upright posture. Her perfectly polished red heels as they clicked onto the cement of your house's front entrance. You could not believe the woman was really your mother at the time; everything about the foreign lady was completely different. But that was not all.

As the presumed mother was dragging your little brother away, out of the front yard, you could only hear screams of desperation from the boy. His voice never stopped ringing your ears as he constantly yelled your name, over and over again. He tried to break free of the woman's grasp, but no changes were made. And you could not do anything but stare in horror.

Just for a small second, you thought you could still do something about it, like relying on your dad. After all, he was usually the one who helped fix broken pieces that you and your little brother made on your toy cars. However, all hope vanished as your eyes glanced at your father's disheveled figure. The only thing that you saw from the man was his hands, covering his face in some sorts of mental pain. Seeing your dad in a weak state was a first for you.
You then realized something. That everything was not okay and that your happy life was not meant to last long. And all you could do about it was endure it and move on.
You held out your small fingers as you watched your mother's car disappearing out of sight. Disappearing from your life entirely.

You did not know what happened that caused your life to go downhill. Was it a sign from god as a punishment for sliding your vegetable plate aside or for trying to believe in the small hope you had? You were not sure of the reason, but that did not change the conflict between your family.

There was nothing that stop your mother from keeping her back against your vision.

There was nothing that stop your little brother from crying out your name desperately.

There was nothing that stop your father from covering his face in pain.

There was nothing that you could do to change the situation.


In front of the porch, on a blazing morning of June 19th, you saw your mother and your little brother disappeared in front of your eyes without you knowing what caused the incident.

Stolen Heart (Kokichi x reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now