Chapter one

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"I SWEAR WE ARE NOT HAVING THIS AGAIN (other fictional character)!"

Your eyes shot open to the sound of your alarm clock yelling right next to you. You mumbled out some curse words as you flicked the alarm clock's off switch and let out a yawn. For a moment, you sat up against your pillow and thought about the dream you had that was an accomplice to your mind reverting back to reality. Memories of how your fictional crush was making moves on can't help but wonder why you had such a bizarre dream in the first place. After contemplating about the dream for a brief amount of time, you glanced towards the alarm clock to check on the time.

"7:30...oh dear lord."

Realizing what time it was, you quickly scrambled on the counter of your sink and began doing your morning routine. You hastily brushed your teeth to keep your health hygiene, pulled your hoodie down and grabbed your sports cap on the way out of your room. To top off everything, you brushed your hair throughly and prepared yourself to leave the house.

"(Y/N)...Remember, don't push yourself too hard."

You stopped to see your father on the couch with a thick blanket covering his entire body and his eyes barely mustering itself to stay open as he gave a weak wave. He was the man who you only see early in the morning, his recognizable (E/C)'s eyes that matched yours, his messy hair that was sort of foreign to you...he was your biological father. But there was one feature of his face that made it obvious for you to not miss it. It was his black pupils-the main component that made you slightly flinched- and knowing full well, your father have them because of the countless piles of work just to keep you guys running through life normally. You groaned as you picked up the pillows that were spread around the living and placed them on top of the blanket.

"You shouldn't be saying that when you stayed up till about five in the morning doing some kind of paperwork. You need to take a day off." You strapped your bag on your shoulder as you head for the front door.

You did not want to see your father's in that current state, despite it being an everyday event and the only form that you would see him in. A loss of hope and motivation. That was what he was and you could not fix it because you were not her. You were his daughter not his previous significant other so you can not do anything about it instead of trying to help support both of you guys by making cash.

Your feet paused in front of the calendar as you glimpsed through the days on there, avoiding the days with a red mark on it. After a couple seconds, you held out your finger over the calendar so you would not lose your place on the numbers. After all, you could be described as blind in your current state. Your finger hovered over today's date...your eyes widened a bit as you saw what day it was today.

A small grumble escaped your lips as you tear the page off the calendar and proceeded your way towards the door.

Today...was ten years from the incident.


You looked up to see the place that you have been working at for the past few weeks; a maid cafe that you often spotted on your walk to the grocery store. It was embarrassing how you chose to work at the place that is filled with girls serving dishes in an outfit you sort of thought was indecent instead of somewhere else, but you already went through the interview and the manager accepted you. Which you were grateful to get a job in order to support you and your dad.

A light ring was heard as you pushed the glass door of the cafe you will be working today. You took in the familiar environment of the cafe that you would spend during most of your time. The smell of coffee and omelet filled the room that had a teal colored walls with exquisite tea cups on the shelves and gorgeous flowers with beautifully designed vases against the walls. The tables clothed with white fabric and cushion seats with a cute bow tie behind the chairs were also presented. Everything in the place was welled designed and looked like a high class business. The place never failed to put you in amazement.

Stolen Heart (Kokichi x reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now