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The mermaid noticed a shell laying on the sand and swam towards that direction.  He picked it up and looked at its pretty features.  The shell was a lot bigger than what he's seen before, which would probably make it a great peace offering.

He looked inside it to see that it was empty and smiled swimming back to the reef.  The mermaid was back at the rock he usually slept at and placed the shell besides the others.

He had already collected a bit of seaweed to wrap it all up and began to place the shells onto the seaweed before wrapping them up.  The mermaid held the package in his hand and placed it in a safe spot waiting for when the humans would come again.


Yoongi peaked his head above the water and noticed a familiar human holding a long stick on a two person sized boat.  The mermaid smiled and dived underwater to swim over to the wooden object with the package in hand.

The mint haired boy was hoping to sneak up on the older male.  A smile appeared on his lips as the bottom of the boat came into view.

The mermaid quickly rosed to the surface and poked his head out of the water, making a small noise to hopefully scare the older.

The human jumped as the fishing rod flew out of his hands and into the water.  He attempted to reach for the rod but had already sunk.  Seokjin turned back to glared at the mermaid.


A sorry look appeared on the smaller's face as he lowered his head, he didn't really expect this to happen.

The mermaid would watch humans on land chasing and sneaking up on eachother, but they all ended up happy and laughing in the end.  He didn't know what he did wrong.

The two remained silent before Seokjin crossed his arms.  The elder huffed as he looked away from the smaller.

"I just got that rod, you know.  I was really hoping to use it."

Yoongi guiltily lifted up a small bundle of seaweed and placed it in the small boat before. Sinking a bit underwater feeling a bit ashamed of himself.

"What is this?"

Seokjin poked the bundle and heard a small sound inside. There was something hard underneath the seaweed. The human made a face as he touched the seaweed to rip it off the item.

Inside the wrap were a couple beautiful shells that made the older's eyes widened. These type of shells rarely washed up on shore for probably being a bit to heavy for the waves to push it. There were some that were pretty common on the shore but these were pretty nonetheless.


Seokjin looked to the water to realized that Yoongi wasn't there.

"Uh, Yoongi?  Where'd you go?"

He looked around his boat but there was no sight of the mermaid around.  The human then sighed as he looked back at the shells.

"This wasn't a very good second meeting."

The mint haired boy had dived back underwater and began to look for the human's stick.  He hoped it wouldn't be too hard, since it's color wouldn't match the sea's palette.

A small shine was seen from a bit below him as he swam even deeper.  He grew a bit nervous and the temperature was a bit colder than he was used to from usually staying at the reef.  He only came deeper into the water from time to time.

He picked up the shining piece of metal and saw it was attached to a long stick and smiled.  He hoped that this was the right object.  The mermaid swam back up feeling a small tug from the rod but ignored it anyways, it was probably since he was swimming upwards.

Yoongi popped his head out of the water and swam to the human who was staring at the shell.  The mermaid didn't want to make the same mistake of getting Seokjin upset with him and lightly tapped on the boat once he was there.

The elder immediately looked down to see the mermaid holding his rod in one hand and sighed when it was all still intact.  The human careful grabbed it and thanked him.

When Seokjin held it in his hands for a few moments he noticed the top of the rod moving around rapidly.  The elder soon began to reel in the line in disbelief.

"Yoongi, can you swim to the otherside please?"

The mermaid held a confused expression before Seokjin lightly kicked the side of his boat causing Yoongi to open his mouth in realization.  He swam over to that side and watched as the older kept reeling and tugging.

A small splash was there in the water as the ocean rippled a bit from the creature's movement.  A fish hung in the air by the line in his mouth as Seokjin smiled.  The human moved the rod to grab the fish with his hands.  He was still a bit surprised by how his line hadn't snapped already.

He then placed the rod between his legs and picked up a pair of tweezers to get the hook out of the fish's mouth.  Seokjin placed the fish in the cooler and turned to the mermaid.

"Thank you."

The human smiled at Yoongi causing the smalle to smile back at him.  The mermaid still forgot the human's name and pointed to himself.

"Yoongi.  You?"

Then pointed back at the human once more.  Seokjin clicked his tounge teasingly as he leaned his head into his hand.

"What?  You forgot my name already?  I'm a bit hurt, darling."

He laughed at the mermaid's confused expression and then pointed back at himself.

"Seokjin.  Call me Jin."

"Sea oak chin?"


Yoongi nodded at the human as he swam in a circle around the boat.  Seokjin smiled at how cute the mermaid was a bit disappointed in himself about not bringing his phone to take a picture.

"Can you say my name for me, darling?"

The mermaid didn't seem like he didn't understand so, Seokjin sat there thinking of ideas.

The human opened his mouth and place his hand in front of his face and moved it forward.  Sort of like, how to say thank you in sigh language.  And then pointed to himself hoping that the mermaid got the message.


Seokjin nodded as he smiled.  He looked over and pointed at himself then back at the shore.  Yoongi seemed to get the idea and began to push the boat towards that direction.

"W-wait no, Yoongi that's not what I meant."

The Tail of a MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now