"I'm not leaving Hawaii." He says before I can finish. "I know you guys have different feelings, but I love Hawaii. I love the culture, the people, the beaches, the mountains, the hiking trails. I don't want to leave. I was born and raised there. Hawaii is my home."

My smile fades slightly until it's come completely. I look down and clear my throat, and then look back up.

"You don't have to move. She could move."

"Would she move?" he asks.

"Brah, Sav's just asking if you want to test the waters and get back out there. You don't have to marry her, but maybe a fuck and duck?" Liam suggests.

I smile at the sound of him saying brah, which is slang for bro. Everyone born and raised in Hawaii regardless of gender and race, says it. It makes me physically cringe to hear somebody not raised in Hawaii say it.

But then I snap out of it and smack Liam's arm lightly.

"No, I'm not suggesting a fuck and duck," I whisper shout. "She's divorced, no kids, but she's ready to get back out there. Just go on a date with her and go from there."

"Is she attractive?" Aiden asks with a sigh.

"She's sitting with Sofie." I tell him.

His eyes snap onto Isabelle and then back to me.

"Well you could have told me she was right there!" he whisper shouts.

"Do you want to go out with her or not?" I ask.

"I mean...what does she do for a living?"

"She's a nurse. She works with me in labor and delivery."

"Does she do drugs?"

"She doesn't even smoke cigarettes."

"Alright, fine, but I need to get my parents to watch Leilani."

"We can watch her." Liam volunteers.

"Oh, you don't have to-"

"She's getting along great with Eloise." I say, gesturing to the girls, who are playing together.

"Alright, yeah, fine. When can she do it?"

I think of the work schedule.

"She can do it tonight." I say.

"Okay." He says. "Are you going to be mad if I do fuck and duck though?"

"No, but if you tell her you're going to call and you don't, I'm going to yell at you."

"Maybe we shouldn't date then." He says. "The three of us are just back on good terms for the first time in twenty something years. I really don't want to mess that up."

"Brah, I've known you for as long as I can remember. One date with a work friend of mine isn't going to destroy anything. Besides, you need this."

I get up and walk over to Isabelle.

"Did you say something to him?" she asks.

"You guys are going on a date tonight."


An hour or so later after eating lunch and sitting with the kids for a while, they went back to playing and now we're all sitting and talking. Isabelle and Sofie moved over to Noah and Aria and they're having a conversation and Liam and I are sitting with Aiden.

Close Your Eyes: Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now