-"Why she refers to you as her Queen and the Oni princess? And what was the mask about?"

-"I was once a princess, the Oni King took me in as his own child, and of course Morrigan followed me, I was loyal to my Oni Father and King, but I also had my own ideas to free the female Oni warriors from the Dark Oni lead by Omega. Morrigan and I have planned to accomplish our mission and as a reward from the Oni King demand the freedom of our kind. And sure she blames me for not stick to the plan. The mask she was wearing was mine, it commands the other 3, they are made from Dragon bones, and we use them to travel between realms, once I change side, after touch the Dragon I claim all masks, but Morrigan manage to get hold of mine, after I was hurt by the sword of Orion, and she used to escape."

-"Will Morrigan find anything in Moridunum?"

-"She will, my memory box of when I was 10, my dad made me a wooden box, and I named it Pandora's Box, and Dad engraves it on the top... So, I did NOT lie to her! Though I have no idea what Pandora's Box she is talking about,"

-"You are sneaky!" - we laugh a bit and went very quiet to hear the noise coming from upstairs.

Suddenly I see the black ninja coming in....



I did as I promised to Cole and stay away from the action. I lead the Ninja to the right location, and open all gates and doors for them, but now that we are to face Grey, his wife, that I didn't have a clue is part of the plot, and worse of all, his Master that is here as well, I will stay hidden away in the place Cole has judged to be safe.

However, before he goes he placed my dagger in my hand, giving me more instructions.

-"Just in case something goes totally wrong, run away from here and find Master Wu." - He squeezes my hand and followed the others.

I stay there as he told me too, and that is where I accidentally open a secret passageway in the wall, leading to a huge staircase going down.

I know I had promised Cole to stay there, but I can't help going downstairs. I stepped lightly and quietly down the steps, I heard voices inside the room, and a bit of a laugh, I realised it had to be Lloyd and Ruby, so I made my way into the room, they were restrained against opposite walls.

-"Cole" - The green ninja said happy to see me...

-"Sorry to disappoint you!" - I remove my headcover

They both stare at me in surprise. I go to Ruby's first and cut her restraints.

-"Thanks, Kimberly!" - she said that running towards Lloyd, who has a big open wound on his side and a few other cuts. He is bleeding a lot.

She holds to one of his hands and places her free hand over his wound, a massive amount of light travels through her body and entered his wound making it heal just as fast as the light itself, and all of a sudden his cuts disappear.

-"Is that what you did to me?" - I asked but she didn't answer me.

She looks different, her eyes are pure light, she finished healing Lloyd, but she still holding to his hand. She slightly moves her fingers, and I can see a wave of energy going out of her hands and breaking Lloyds chains restrained.

-"Ruby you are going to be on fire soon, let it go!" - Lloyd tells her.

-"No, I can control it, the Ninja need us, only the two of us together can stop Morrigan, come with me!" - Her eyes are platinum flames, and her voice is different.

They walked in front, holding hands, I can tell all that power she has just shown is coming from that small physical contact between them, what is really fascinated, I follow after them, conscious Cole would be mad at me if he realised I left my hiding place.

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