Falling into a trap

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I am driving us to The medical school of Ninjago, we decided would be more appropriate then landing a dragon in the middle of a full of students university campuses.

Ruby is by my side, her hand is on my leg, and she is watching the window. A bit to quite than her normal self.

-"Ruby , are you hungry?" - I realised we left without breakfast.

-"Actually, I am" -

-"We can stop somewhere if you want to."

She checked her mobile after it has beep. She had sent a message to Grey, just as we left the monastery, let him know she was taking me with her. I guess he just replies.

-"Or we can have Mrs Grey's pancakes, do you like pancakes?" - She tells me and read his message to me.

-"I do like Pancakes, do you know Mrs. Grey?" - She sends another message.

-"I do, she is very nice." - She answered my question while reply Grey's last message -" Lloyd, I know you and Oliver haven't exactly got the best side of each other from the start, but he is a good person. Maybe you can give him a second chance."

-"I will do it for you." - I smile to her

-"Thank you"

-"Are Mrs. Grey's Pancakes any good?"

-"They are quite good, especially if you like sweets."

-"Yummy, I am sure I will like them."

We arrived at the Medical School of Ninjago, Ruby gives me directions for Grey's house. I parked in his driveway, and we walk together to the front door. I can't deny I am not looking forward to meeting Grey, but I am trying not to think about, I don't want Ruby to read my thoughts. She squeezed my hand, just like she did when we arrived in the monastery.

-"Ready?" - she asked me, and I nod back to her.

Ruby knocks the door, it doesn't take so long to open, behind the door a very pale lady with silver blueish hair smile when she sees Ruby.

-"Ruby my angel, it is so nice to see you again, and is that the lucky boy?"

-"Hi Dorota, it is nice to see you too!" - Ruby gives her a warm hug. -"Well, That is Lloyd, and I can say I am the lucky one."

-"Hello Lloyd, nice to meet you, isn't she a cute!? - I am Dorota, please come in!" - She gives me a hug, and I warm up to her.

-"Nice to meet you. Yes she is cute" - I hugged Ruby

-"Ollie, Ruby is here!" - she shouts -" Here, let me take your coats!"

-"Ruby !! Hello, my dear!" - He hugs Ruby, I try to be cool.

-"Hello, Oliver!" - he sees me over Ruby shoulder, walking in beside his wife.

-"Lloyd Garmadon?! - I have to admit Ruby, I didn't see that coming! - Welcome, Lloyd." - he gives me a handshake, still hugging Ruby.

-"Thanks, Professor Grey!" - I shake his hand back.

-"Please call me Oliver. I see you already meet my adorable wife."

-"Come on everyone, pancakes are waiting."

Ruby grabs to my sleeve and we follow Dorota to the kitchen, Grey walk just behind us.

-"Tell me, Ruby, what has happened to Kimberly? Where is she?"

-"She was attacked, here in the Campus, yesterday, she is safe to know."

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