Reasons 4 & 5

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As everyone settled down for maths i reached into my pocket and felt the packet of spearmint gum. Secretly i opened it and took a piece out hoping that miss wouldn't see. 

"Right class today we will be doing algebra." Miss Coner said, in her sickle sweet voice, this statement was greeted by groans from the class including one from me " Right Mr Micheals I've already had enough of your attitude so go stand outside." She shouted at me. 

Just as i was walking past her i bit into my gum. Huge Mistake. Miss Coner started shouting at me. In the end she sent me into isolation and made me spit my gum out. 

Reason 4: isolation.  

I walked downstairs past the R.E rooms and science labs. I just had to make it past the English rooms.

"Jeff Micheals what do you think your doing out of lesson?"  A voice that i would know anywhere. My form tutor also known as the head of english. 

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. " well sir there was a miss understanding in the maths department and well i got sent to iso." I explained as i turned around to face him. 

"My office at break." Sir sternly said. 

I continued my shot walk to iso. Once I arrived i gently nocked on the door. Mrs Mulley came and answered and i felt like i was gonna die. 

"Oh uhmmmmm hey lind.. i mean mrs mulley I've been sent here from maths." I say not making eye contact. 

"Come in then. I assume you've guessed that ill be telling your grandma at sewing club tonight?"

"Yes mrs Mulley." I grumbled as i sat down in the centre of the room practically throwing my bag under my desk. I place my head in my hands and waited and waited and waited and waited a bit longer until the bell went signalling  the end of period one. I didn't even move knowing ill be in here for another hour and a half before the bell goes again. Im literally gonna bore to death. 

Reason 5: knowing teachers outside of school.

Aunt Linda or mrs Mulley comes round for sewing club every Monday and Thursday with my grandma god its so embarrassing how they natter on about how big I've grown and how school is and other crap like that. God lovers.

(A/n so my online mate has rly been helping me get through some real life shit so thank you so much.)

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