Reason 3

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God why is my life so hard. I fucking hate it. Its Monday  if you haven't guessed already, which is always shit but today we have maths first and second period. If you don't know i hate maths its almost the worst subject. Name someone who has ever enjoyed maths. Go on I'll wait...

See no one. No one in the history of man has ever liked maths. Anyway I'll stop ranting now. 

I sit down in maths with an unnecessarily loyd sigh. 

"Ah, good morning to you to mr Micheals." Miss coner said walking into class. I hate her the way she acted so high and mighty and how she thought she was better than everyone else. Oh and how she only calls me by my last name and everyone else by their first name like i need to be addressed differently to everyone else it pisses me off

Reason 3: adults hate me (especially teachers)

101 reasons to hate my lifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora