Chapter Seventeen: Bromance, Bromance Everywhere

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While it lasted, the peace between Bakugou and I was nice. And, if I'm being real, it's still kinda there, even after a week or so of nonstop training. He hasn't tried to kill me at least, so I guess that counts for something. Sushi after class never really happened, but something tells me that's the least of our worries. It's weird, but something just feels off. Like the air around True Cross is just different somehow.

"Mr. Okumura, sir!" Iida suddenly exclaims as he practically teleports behind me, nearly making me to drop my salad bowl all over the floor. Though he sees me jolt a mile out of my skin, he just bows once, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I've made a run of the perimeter and there's nothing to report." Huh. Maybe it's all in my head. Maybe that weirdness in the air is just what it feels like for everything to be... Peaceful.

"Ah... Thanks, Iida." Then he's gone as quickly as he arrived, leaving me with a few scattered salad leaves and a teetering bottle of oil. However, before it can fall from its perch on the shelf, a hand snatches it out of the air, tucking it back beside its friends. Yes, I give my condiments sentience. Shut up. Still, I trace the length of the arm mere inches from my nose, and the person attached to it funnily enough doesn't spook me one bit. "Yo, Bakugou. Need something? Other than my face against the wall."

"You make it sound kinky. Weirdo," Bakugou snarls, though, for the most part, his tone isn't anywhere near as abrasive as it used to be. I have no idea what made him lighten up around me, but I can only hope I'll find out one day so I can kiss the ground they walk on. Ever since the boomy boy over here apologised to me, things have been going about as smoothly as they possibly could. Hell, he even stopped giving me dirty looks whenever I had something to criticise about his exorcism techniques.

My bet's on Kirishima. Sharky is one hell of a fairy godmother if that's the case.

"Well I mean you do it enough. Maybe it's a turn on, I don't know."

"Shut up!" He snaps, narrowing his eyes at me to distract from the fact that his cheeks are as red as Kirishima's hair. Wow, did I hit a nerve or what? Bless him. We don't judge here in the Okumura household, that's for sure.

"So who's the lucky guy then, McSplode?"

"Mc- Wha-? Don't give me weird nicknames, ya blue goblin!" I can't help it. Then and there, I burst out into laughter, barely able to take a word out of his mouth seriously. I love this. Being not quite friends but friends enough to not want to kill each other. Like... He's actually letting me joke around with him without grounding my face into the dirt just to prove a point. It's so new, and I absolutely love it. "Don't laugh at me!"

"I'm sorry but- blue goblin? You really hit the nail on the head with that one," I snort, my tail twitching gently against my stomach. Which just encourages my giggles. And, obviously, the look on Bakugou's face just makes it a million times funnier. It's like he's been thrown into another dimension, and he has no idea what to do with himself. I can practically see the calculations running through his eyes.

"Uh... Well 'course I did! That's what you are," he eventually huffs, sternly folding his arms. And, even though I go to speak, before I have the chance, Kirishima suddenly pops his head through the serving hatch.

"What're you guys laughing about? We can hear you from upstairs," he chuckles, stepping back to reveal Kaminari beside him. I hate that my ears warm up a little out of a sudden surge of embarrassment. They heard my snorting through the floorboards? Jeez.

"Nothing. He's just being an ass!" Mr. McSplode snaps, tossing his head in the opposite direction to me. And then I see it, and it just makes everything better. He's blushing. Like... Fully blushing, right down to his neck. Hang on. Wait. It all makes sense. Bakugou. Kirishima. Is there- Are they- HOLY SHIT! "I'm tired of this idiot. I'm gonna go train," he finally hisses when the air settles into silence, gently pushing past me with that same redness to his cheeks. I don't know what to think or- Well am I in any place to think anything? Except about how dumb I feel knowing I hadn't put this together sooner.

There's no way they don't have a thing for each other.

So, once Bakugou has left with Kirishima pretty much skipping after him, I grab Kaminari and pull him into the kitchen, eyes wide with wonder. I know I'm being invasive, and it really isn't any of my business but... I need to know everything!

"Are they- Well y'know?" I whisper, holding Kaminari's arm tight. Not tight enough to leave marks, but just enough to let him know he's not going anywhere until I get answers to a question that I have no business in. Wait, no, I guess it kinda involves me. They're my... students after all. I need to know if they'll eventually end up distracting one another.

"Are who what?"

"Bakugou and Kirishima! Are they- y'know?!"

"I don't think I do know." Useless. He's useless!

"Are they dating?!" Finally, it clicks. Took long enough, but, then again, it's kinda cute. The way his golden irises suddenly light up with little sparks that seem to dance around all over the place. And, of course, his cheeks turn into sakura petals, flushed with a dusty pink pigment.

"I-I don't know!"

"Sure you don't. You're their best friend, man. You've gotta have all the juicy deets!"

"If they are they haven't said anything," he stammers, barely getting his words out without spluttering a little. Alright, maybe I should lay off. Even though every part of me is burning with a desperate need for answers, I guess I can live without them for now. One day, I'll know. But today is not that day.

"Damn. Well I guess it's none of our business anyway," I sigh with a shrug, turning my attention to him. His eyes are on his feet, and it's like he can't even make eye contact with me. "Hey, you good, man? Something up?"

"Yeah, actually. Uh... We never got sushi."

"I know. Bummer, huh? Guess Bakugou wanted me on the menu instead and- Wait- Ew, that sounded weird."

"J-Just a bit." We laugh for a moment. Not a howling laugh or a stuttering snort. Just soft, breathy laughter. "I guess... Well what I wanna say is- I wanna say thank you. For... For saving me."

"Back with Leviathan? Kaminari, you don't gotta thank me for anything."

"You say that but... I'd feel bad not making it up to you. So- So instead of sushi after class... Wanna get sushi like... Tonight?"

"Tonight? I mean if everyone's free we could-"

"-No I meant-... Never mind. It'd be hard organising it last minute," he stammers, refusing to push his hair out of his eyes as he pockets his hands and shuffles out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with my salads and oils. Was he asking what I think he was asking?

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