Chapter Fourteen: A Spark

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"HOW COULD HE FAIL?!" Lucifer's words have done nothing but shake the very core of Gehenna with their booming fury. For what feels like an eternity, his shrieks of rage have crumbled structures, decimated landscapes, and killed anyone who's dared to get close enough to be within sight of him. This loss is immense, and yet, he's angry. Our brother is dead- killed not even by an exorcist. I never would have imagined that he would perish in such a way.

So why can't Lucifer bring himself to mourn? Does he truly believe that our nephew is worth more than the sibling we ruined villages with? Does Rin Okumura matter more than our youngest brother? Why can't he just take his vision away from Assiah's domination for a few moments? A day. An hour. A second! Anything to prove to me that I'm not so worthless to him as he's already made me out to be.

Or, perhaps that's it. Am I just a pawn? Was Leviathan? Do either of our lives matter to him and Satan? Perhaps not. And perhaps I'm beginning to see that their cause and my own are separate entities altogether. If I am a pawn, so be it. Even a pawn can claim the king.



"So everything's alright? You're not hurt?"

"I'm fine, Yukio. We beat that demon fair and square- no flames involved!" I chirp, tapping my foot against the wooden flooring beneath me whilst Yukio bleats away on the other end of the line. After Levaithan happened, it's been all hands on deck with making sure everything gets back to normal. Which, considering how the damn demon flooded the entire town, wasn't as difficult as it seemed.

I don't really remember a whole lot before I passed out on that roof. But, from what I did see, Levaithan kinda just... Exploded. Soon as the electrified water dropped on him, he seemed to totally melt. And, with his death, the water completely drowning the town just collected itself into a twister that rose skywards, before it disappeared. Like it was never there. But, there was one weird thing.

Something I don't really know how to describe. Maybe 'cause I'm a bit too scared to even talk to anyone about it. And it's pretty worthless sitting up in my head; I'm not smart enough to figure out what I felt when he died. But ah well- I guess I wasn't ever meant to know, because that's when I blacked out. When I woke up again, the sun was in the sky, and Deku was making a big ass fuss over me.

"I'm sorry I was so harsh on you." Hold up. That's new.

"Wait... Really?! Did you really just say that?"

"I know it sounds rich, coming from me. But I should've put more faith in you. The fact that you managed to help those UA students best a high tier demon proves I haven't given you enough credit."

"Yukio, this is super out of character."

"Trust me, I know." We both chuckle, my tail softly thumping on the floor under my bed. This is nice. If a bit weird. Yukio never praises me, and I mean never. Any time I ever do something close to being right, he'll pick out what went wrong and focus on that. So-

"Hey, you sure you're alright?"

"Wha- Of course!"

"It's just... Well you never do this. Yukio, if something's up-"

"-Nothing's up, Rin. I guess I just wanted to do right by you for once," he sighs. And there it is. The tired voice, coming through strong as ever. The voice I'm so used to hearing, it's weird when I don't. I mean, I can't say I blame him for being exhausted, but something just doesn't feel right. I can't help it. I have to ask.

"Did you feel something? The day you left, and we beat that demon- did you feel something when it died?" There's silence from his side. For a moment, I wonder if the phone's gone dead, until I hear him let out a breath we both know he was holding.

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