Chapter Six: Light Switch

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"Alright, everyone. Enjoy!"

"Thank you for the meal!" The whole of Class 1A chimes before finally tucking into the food I spent hours on today. Jeez, so much has gone down in such a short space of time- it's kinda hard to wrap my head around it all. I managed to prepare a meal for twenty three people (twenty one if you don't count me and Yukio), take responsibility of an entire group (even if I did kinda abandon them in the end), and fight off a demon terrorising the people who've been sent here to find and kill me. Using... The powers that would... Give me away. Yeah, I can get why Yukio took my sword off me now.

However, out of all of them, both Deku and Bakugou don't seem as interested in their food, despite Kirishima nudging the blonde and gesturing to his plate. Honestly, I can't blame them for being put off; after all the horror that today's shown them, they're sure to be at least a tiny bit shaken. I mean, their quirks were useless. Without Yukio and my flames, we might not have even been able to beat it.

"Yukio," Deku suddenly mutters, raising his eyes from his vegetables and glancing over at my brother, gaze trapping curiosity in its hold.


"That demon... Did it end up casting blue fire?" I freeze. Yukio freezes. All the students keep eating and chatting away to one another, yet it feels like the world's dropped into silence. He saw. How the hell did he see?! He was unconscious- they both were! There's no way he could've seen me!

"Unfortunately. When I looked into it, I found that the demon was one of Satan's disciples. Any who follow Satan and are employed by him are granted limited access to his flames in their time of need." Wow, Yukio's better at bullshit than I ever would've given him credit for; after studying everything to do with demons over the past couple years, I've never heard of something so ridiculous.

Which is why it's the perfect lie; these kids won't know any different. And with Yukio being so damn smart, he can tell them anything he wants them to think. He's their teacher- they have to believe him. And, thank fuck, Deku does. He instantly smiles and thanks him, before turning back to the brunette beside him. I don't miss the glare my brother shoots my way.

"I'm ah... I'm gonna go powder my nose or some shit," I mumble, hating how heavily the atmosphere suddenly slams down on me. It's like someone's grabbed onto my throat and squeezed, an awful pressure bearing onto my chest. Maybe 'cause I was this close to being found out. I shouldn't have used my powers, I realise that now. Just then, I was almost sure Deku knew.

If they'd seen anything Yukio couldn't bullshit away, I'd be screwed. Well, dead.

So I just stand and drag myself out of the room, hands stuffed in my pockets. Unlike usual, I'm awfully conscious of the tail tucked tight around my middle, fur tickling my waist with each shift of my body. I just gotta keep this up until this damn class kills a demon. Then, they'll think their job's done and they'll go back to UA. I won't have to live under a magnifying glass anymore.

As soon as I get to the bathroom, I finally let out a sigh I didn't realise I was holding, flipping on the switch and letting the tap run. Water swirls down the drain, but not before I scoop some up and splash my face with it. The bruise on my jaw still stings, and I relive the moment Yukio punched me when I connect my eyes with my reflection. It hurt like a bitch, but I deserved it. I totally deserved it. It hasn't even been a day, and I nearly blew my cover.

I guess I don't really hear the door go at first. Not until someone suddenly grabs me from behind, fingers gripping around my neck. I don't see him- he pulls me away from the mirror too quickly for me to catch an initial glimpse of his reflection. And then he heavily slams me into the wall so harshly, I choke out a startled cough. As if my body hasn't been through enough today.

"Your four-eyed brother can lie to Deku, but he's not fooling me." Instantly, I recognise the gritty tone spitting beside my ear, and the whole world stutters. But, just to make it clear, he flips me around and pins me against the tiles so his crimson eyes can fix with my pale features. Bakugou. You've gotta be kidding me.

"Hah? Dude, my brother ain't lying to anyone."

"Don't give me that shit," he snarls, clenching his fingers around my throat. His thumb presses down so hard, my breathing comes to an abrupt stammer, gasps of air barely getting down to my lungs. Think, Rin. Think. You've gotta throw him off. Think. Think!

"I'm telling you the truth, asshole!"

"I saw you! I saw you covered in flames! I saw your face- you looked like a damn monster!" He hisses, keeping his voice low. I'm not sure why, but I can't thank him enough at least for that. Maybe that's why he's strangling me; there's a chance that... Maybe he wants to stay quiet about what he's apparently seen. Dammit, I'm such a fuck up! Why the hell did I use my flames?!

"I don't know what you're talking about, man. I just used my sword to fight that thing off," I grunt, black twinges starting to run around the edges of my vision. Is it getting dark, or is it just me? Clearly, that was the wrong thing to say though; instead of letting me go, he squeezes my neck tighter. Yeah, he's definitely leaving some bruises.

"Don't fucking lie to me," he snarls, eyes darting down to my stomach before he shoves his hand up my shirt. Shit. Shit shit shit no! But before I can try to fight him off, it's too late- his fingers snap around my tail and wrench it out from its hiding place, encouraging a sudden cry from me. Ow! Fuck, o-ow! "How the hell do you explain this? You're a demon," he growls, giving my tail an abrupt tug.

Against my will, I sharply gasp, and flames spurt from my skin for a split second, slivers of blue spitting into the air around me. Finally, Bakugou drops me with a startled grunt, my body collapsing onto the ground whilst I desperately try to heave down air. "I knew I wasn't seeing shit. You're a damn demon." I wish I could respond. I wish I could pick myself up and try to defend myself. But I can't. He saw everything.

He knows.

"Then go... Go tell everyone," I rasp, my tail limply curling up to my side after being pulled and tugged every which way. Even now, the pain still splits through me, running laps up and down my spine. I can't protect myself- he's got me right where he'd want me. But, instead of aiming an explosive blast my way, he just crouches down, bunches my hair up in his hand, and lifts my head off of the floor.

"You saved my life, and you saved Deku's life. If it were up to me, I'd have killed you the second I saw you burst into flames," he growls, narrowing his piercing eyes and leaning closer to me. I can feel his hot breaths from here, blasting warm trails down my neck. "But I'd be dead if it weren't for you. So we're even." He finally drops me from his grip again, standing and heading towards the door. That easy? What it really that easy? "But if you even think about showing that shit off again, I'll kill you." And then he leaves, his threat heavy in the air.

Of course it can't be that easy.

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