Chapter One: 'X' Marks the Spot

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*check out the anime opening i made for this fic if you want to (linked above)



"So, you know what to do when those UA students get here, don't you? You're going to-"

"-hide my tail and tell them my teeth and ears are just a birth defect." I couldn't sound any less bored if I tried, and yet here we are. The four-eyed mole face bossing me around like I'm the toddler to his teenager. I'm not some dumb kid, and he's been over this with me a hundred times at least by now. And we only knew those kids from UA were coming here around a week ago. Yeah, Yukio really didn't like Mephisto springing that on him outta nowhere.

"Good. They can't find out about you, Rin. If they do-"

"-I know I know. They'll kill me, same old same old," I grumble, tipping the chair on its back legs. My tail grazes the floor for a split second, before I curl it up into my lap. My shoulders bunch up around my neck. And then he grabs the chair and pulls it away from my desk, gripping onto me until our eyes don't have any choice but to meet. I can see myself in the reflection of his damn glasses.

"This isn't a joke, Rin. You got away by the skin of your fangs last time. These kids have powers- they will kill you. They've been sent to kill a demon, so you've got a huge target over your head."

"Yukio, I get it. I got it last week. You don't have to keep telling me!" Shoving him away from me, I stand and grab whatever personal space I can manage around here, muscles tense and coiled. I wish he'd get off my back for once, or at least stop treating me like the idiot I know he thinks I am. Yeah, he's looking out for me. Who cares? I can protect myself, even when I don't have to. I don't need him breathing down my neck all the time.

"Well I clearly do, 'cause you haven't put your tail away once this week! You promised me you'd get into the habit of wrapping it up again."

"I just forgot!" I whine, rolling my shoulders into a shrug. Only to jolt when he grips my tail and yanks it so hard, a loud yelp of pain jumps from my body before I can push it down. "HEY!" I snap, smacking his hand away and cuddling the thin string of a limb close to my chest. Asshole. He knows how much that hurts! And he just stands there, eyebrow raised. Why does he always look like he expects something from me? "Alright, fine! I won't forget again. Now will you quit it with the teacher bull?!"

"I can't be around 24/7 to protect you, Rin. If you slip up, and I'm not there to do anything about it, you'll be killed on the spot. This isn't like last time. They don't need to use you as a weapon- they don't have any reason to let you live. Soon as they realise who you are-"

"-That's twice in the past five minutes. They'll kill me, I know. How many more times are you gonna say it?"

"As many as it takes for you to understand how cautious you have to be! A few days after they get here, I have work outta town with Shura, and I won't be there to protect you."

"I don't need protecting. You gotta stop worrying about this stuff, Yukio. You're gonna make yourself ill," I sigh, clapping a hand down on his shoulder and flashing him a grin. He needs to take things easy, even given the stakes. I know it's bad news if these kids from UA find out about me being a demon, especially the one they're coming to hunt down. But he has to relax. For once, he needs to focus on himself.

"I can't just-"

"-Why not? All you do is worry about me. I'm fine."

"Are you though? Have you even managed to gain full control yet?"

"I'm working on it. I'm close, Yukio, honest. Just think about getting ready to leave town, alright? Worry about you, and leave UA to me."

"Why does that just make me more anxious?" Of course it does.



"How long is this damn ride gonna take?!"

"Kacchan... T-Try to calm down a bit, yeah?"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, NERD!" I flinch, recoiling a little as Kacchan fumes, pacing around the train car like the impatient explosion of blonde he is. His crimson eyes are narrowed into thin lines, and all he can do is glare at anyone who even thinks about looking at him the wrong way.

"So what d'you think True Cross Academy's like? I can't wait to see all the pretty towns! All the pictures look so beautiful!" Uraraka breathes, swinging her legs in time to the chugs of the carriage. I'm glad at least one of us is excited for this whole journey; without All Might around, I'm going in blind. All I know is that there's a demon here, and we've been given the job of killing it. Not capturing it, or anything like that.

Killing it. I've never had to kill something before. When Kacchan and I were kids, I cried because I couldn't save a dying pigeon, and I always made sure to walk around anthills. And they're expecting a group of teenagers to kill? Honestly, the whole thing is more than a bit puzzling, and it's clear by the apprehension that lays underneath Uraraka's deceptively-bright tone. She's acting excited, but we all feel the same way.

Something just isn't right here.

"I'm just not sure how I've never heard of this school. Perhaps because it's only for the quirkless," Iida contemplates, flicking through one of the brochures he picked up from the station. His eyes skim over the page, and it's like I can see the letters pouring into his eyes with each line. I did the reading up I needed to do prior to even getting here, and even I feel like I've already forgotten everything I learned. As far as I know, True Cross is just some prestigious school tucked away in the middle of- well... I'm not sure. It feels as though this place never existed until we were told about it.

Then again, if I'd have never inherited All Might's quirk, I guess this would've probably been one of my options.

"Who knows, man? I sure as hell don't know every school in Japan," Kirishima hums, settled beside Kacchan with an arm around his shoulders. I can't help but smile at their little motions of affection. Lately, Kirishima's been the only one capable of keeping Kacchan relatively calm at least.

"I just wanna get off this damn train," said blonde snarls, tossing his head to the side and grumpily leaning against a handrail, tense and tetchy. I can't say I blame him; this journey has been much longer than any of us could've possibly anticipated, and the heat of the swelling summer sun is really beginning to get to me.

So I do the only thing I know of to cool down, and sit myself in the seat on Todoroki's right side, accidentally letting out a sigh of relief. It's like slipping into a fridge, and he clearly knows it. I don't miss the small, near-invisible smirk he offers me. One that tints my cheeks pink.

"We all do, dude. I don't think it'll take much longer." As soon as Kirishima speaks, the tunnel breaks open and a sight I can barely believe appears before all of our eyes. A town, built upwards towards a blisteringly-blue sky. It's like a marble pillar, climbing higher towards the clouds, buildings carved in clusters that encase the grand view.

"Wow..." I breathe, tilting my head and pushing my fluffy fringe out of my eyes. Is that True Cross? It's... It's beautiful. So why can't I trust it?



"Their train's gonna be here any second. Alright, guys, you gotta remember what I told you."

"We know!" Our small group collectively moans, each of us rolling our eyes. C'mon, Yukio. Give these guys a break- if you can't trust me to listen, at least trust them.

"Good. Keep Rin safe. And don't blow his cover. This is a life or death situation, don't forget that." And then the train pulls up, a whole cast of characters stepping out the moment the doors open. Flustered, frustrated, and fidgety. So these are gonna be our new friends, huh?

Or my executioners.

Hellbound | Blue Exorcist/My Hero Academia CrossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora