I decided to get dressed in something comfortable so that I could go to the park and run for a few. I put on some Nike shorts and a Nike tank top. I grabbed my keys and headed to the park. It was beautiful day and it felt nice outside. I picked a good running place to start and set my timer. Thirty minutes is all I needed.

*Two Hours Later*

Cash's POV

I was getting worried cause didn't nobody know where the hell Crystal was. We had been calling her phone non-stop but there was no answer. Then finally Chaz called and told us to meet him at the hospital. We rushed to the emergency room to where him and Casey were. Casey's eyes were bloodshot red. I knew something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Jasmine asked.

"Crystal was shot three times. Once in the shoulder, once in the chest, and once in the leg," Chaz responded. My heart dropped. I wanted to know who the hell shot my baby. I wanted to know if she was going to make it or not. We had just made things official and now her life was on the line. I just kept asking myself why. What did I do to deserve things like this to happen? We all waited at least an hour until the doctor came out to give us an update on Crystal. He said that they got the bullets out of her but she was going to need to stay in the hospital for a least a two months so that they could monitor her heart. The bullet that went through her chest almost hit the sack that was surrounding her heart. If it would've hit then there was no way she would've lived. I couldn't even think of who would want to hurt Crystal. We weren't allowed to go back and see her which made me even more sad. Chaz told us to just go back to the crib and chill while him and Casey stayed at the hospital. I didn't want to leave but Chaz insisted that I did. He needed all three of us to watch out for Jasmine and Saige just in case whatever happened to Crystal happens to them. I'm guessing Chaz felt like this was a sign that someone was trying to get to him by getting to Crystal. Whoever shot my girl was going to have to see me.


Crystal's POV

I had been in the hospital for almost two months. I couldn't remember a thing that happened on the day I got shot. If I knew who shot me I would've told Chaz but I didn't. Things with Cash and I were good. He was being extra sweet now that I could barely do things for myself. The doctor told me not move around much until I go to therapy for my leg which was in a cast. I hated not being able to do the things that I normally do but it was nice being catered to. Cash has been rambling on for like three days talking about he was going to get whoever shot and kill them. I told him that he wasn't going to kill them because that would ruin his life and I didn't want that to happen. As much as I disliked the person that shot me I didn't wish death upon them even though they could've took my life.

"You good?" Cash asked.

"Yea," I responded.

"Well I'm gon' go down to the game room with the boys. Just call me if you need,"

I nodded my head and focused my attention back on the movie I was watching. A couple seconds later I received a call from a private number. I normally didn't answer private numbers but something inside was telling me to answer the phone.

"Hello," I answered.

"Yes, is Cash there?" A girl's voice asked.

"Who the hell is this?" I asked.

"I'm the bitch that he's fucking! Is this poor little Crystal? Baby I hope you get better since the person who shot you didn't kill you. Anyways I'll just talk to Cash when he comes through tonight. Bye," The girl said then hanging up. I was furious. Then out of no where I get pictures of Cash and some bitch I've never seen before come through my phone. I hopped my crippled ass out the bed and made my way downstairs. I couldn't believe Cash had some bitch call my phone with all of that bullshit.

"Cash!" I yelled.

"What are you doing out bed?" Cash asked.

"Why the hell you got some bitch calling my phone talking about she's the bitch you're fucking!" I screamed at him.

"I'm not fucking anyone,"

"Liar. What the hell is this?" I said showing him the pictures.

"This is old,"

"Whatever leave me alone and don't talk to me ever. We're done," I screamed then leaving out the room. Cash had some nerve to cheat on me while I was in the hospital. There was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it to see that it was the police.

"Yes, we're looking for this young man right here," One of the policeman said holding up a picture of Cash. Quez, Jr, and Cash came out of the game room to see who was at the door. The police walked in and walked toward Cash putting him in handcuffs. I didn't know what was going on and didn't know what he did but whatever it was I just hoped that it wasn't nothing major.

Comment and Vote! Next Chapter is going to progress foward to when Cash gets out of jail.

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