Speechless - 21

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Gwen's POV:
"So did you do it?" Duncan asked eagerly. Bridgette and I both looked at each other and back at the pierced kid as we smirked. He then grinned as soon as he realized we successfully deleted the photo. "Thanks Pasty, surf board," he continued, "I owe you two one."

Bridgette smiled widely and quickly replied back, "Well how about that triple date?" She asked eagerly. I rolled my eyes, she just doesn't give up sometimes. The school bell quickly rang and the chatty teens quickly separated to 3 of the doors leading out of the gymnasium. Courtney who was now exiting the gym as well looked back at us and rolled her eyes.

"She wants me." Duncan said nonchalantly, watching her exit. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Look thanks and all for helping get that picture deleted but the triple date only works if everyone agrees to it, and I don't think princess would want to go out with people she dislikes," he continued, "Now if it was just me and her, maybe she'd like—"

"Oh please, she'd die before openly going out with you, ALONE," I said cutting him off. Sometimes his big ego gets too much for him, thankfully he has me to pop it. He rolled his eyes.

"Will you two focus?! This isn't about you, this is about me and Geoff," Bridgette said interrupting our quarrel. So selfish. "I'm too awkward when I'm alone with him, so you guys will be there to ease the tension." She smirked as if she had it all figured out.

"Look, I don't care what you guys do anymore, the bell rung and that means school over, my bed is calling my name." Duncan replied now annoyed. He uncrossed his arms and walked away from me and my blonde best friend.

"Alright we'll talk more about this tomorrow!" Bridgette shouted as he exited the gym. She looked back at me, "what?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and walked away from her.

"Come on blondie, I wanna print out that picture of Duncan and frame it." I chuckled remembering the fully pink outfit he had on, all for one movie with his mother.


Short chapter I'm sorry I'll do better 😔🙏🏾
But look how sexy Jake T Austin aka Duncan is 🤪

Short chapter I'm sorry I'll do better 😔🙏🏾 But look how sexy Jake T Austin aka Duncan is 🤪

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