chapter 49

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Aro's jaw hit the ground when he walked into his bedroom and found his little one standing at the window shirtless, and drying his long, wet hair with a towel. Even with the obvious baby bump, the boy was stunning.

Harry spun around and stared at the stunned vampire. So this was the great Aro, leader of the Volturi. He had been too scared and upset before to really get a good look at him. Honesty, he wasn't all that. He expected more from someone almost every vampire feared.

"Really, you just leave me here all alone while you go about your business. No food, no tv, no companionship...nothing. You take away my mates, family, and friends then just leave me here on your bed to rot. I don't care if you are the leader of all vampires, that is not how you treat a guest. I am pregnant and I have needs." Harry threw his towel at Aro, smacking him in the face with it. "Where can I get some food in the medieval motel?" he raged. His plan was to irritate Aro until he gladly sent him packing.

Aro was speechless. When he had left the boy a few hours ago, he was close to death. What changed in those few hours?

Harry waved his hand in front of Aro's face. "Hey, anyone alive in there?" Harry chuckled. "Get it...ALIVE? I mean, obviously your not alive, your a blood sucking vampire."

Aro snapped out of his shock and gave his little one a grin. "My love, it is wonderful to see you up." Aro was trying not to drool, the boy was absolutely beautiful. He couldn't help but picture that luscious body, spread out naked on his bed, waiting for him to fill him.

Harry tried not to show how uncomfortable he was with Aro leering at him. He hoped in a few days he would be back home with his loved ones. "So, is there anything other then blood to eat around here? I'm freaking starving."

Aro held out his hand. "Of course, I will take you to the kitchen where you will find plenty of food." Aro also handed his boy a clean shirt, he didn't want others to look at what was his.

Harry cringed, but he took Aro's cold hand. Along the way he couldn't help but to marvel at how beautiful the castle was, in a way it reminded him of Hogwarts. There were no talking portraits or moving staircases, but there were ancient suits of armor and other items dating back to the renaissance age. He was surprised to find that the kitchen was huge and fully stocked with food. "It's a bit strange, don't you think, for a castle full of vampires to have so much food?" said Harry, as he looked through the large refrigerator. He was beyond starving, he hadn't had a mouthful of food since he was kidnapped.

Aro chuckled. "I suppose, but we do entertain some humans from time to time. Help yourself to whatever you like, this is your home now."

" in fatten them up until their good and juicy?" smirked Harry. He was trying to be a little, spoiled, pain in the ass. He needed Aro to see him as someone not worthy of him, someone more trouble then what he was worth.

Aro watched as the boy made himself two large sandwiches and poured a glass of orange juice. Every once in a while his eyes would drift down to the baby bump. "I find it incredible that you are carrying. Who is the child's father?" He really hoped that it was the Cullen boy, he wouldn't allow a wolf child to live in his home. If the baby didn't turn out to be the wolves, then it would be disposed of immediately. Caius would me more then happy to choke the life out of a wolf pup.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno, didn't keep track of who I was allowing to fuck me at the time. I do like to have a good time." He had a hard time hiding his smirk when Aro's eyes almost popped out of his head. Maybe if Aro thought he was a slut he wouldn't want him anymore.

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