chapter 39

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Three weeks had past since the fight and things had been pretty quiet. The mates were getting along, and Harry was found each day in his sunroom. More kisses had been shared between Harry and his mates, and he was getting more comfortable with their touches. He had yet to go as far as he went with Draco in the bathroom, but he felt like he was ready for more.

Things had also been pretty quiet from the wizarding world. Fudge was still pressing for Harry's return but as of yet he hadn't won his case. Most of the witches and wizards believed in Harry, after all, he had saved them from Voldemort. Pensieve memories were also handed over from Harry and Dumbledores pets, proving his guilt. Right now Fudge didn't have any proof that Harry was guilty or turning dark, and since he was also an American citizen, they couldn't just force him home.

Carlisle had gotten permission from Sam to turn James. Actually, it was Harry who asked, and Sam couldn't refuse his big puppy dog eyes. Severus had assured Sam that he had a potion that would keep James from going on a bloody rampage. They tested it on Jasper and he was shocked when it worked. For the first time since joining the Cullen's, Jasper didn't have a problems being around humans or blood.

Tomorrow night was the big night. Carlisle was going to bite James and turn him. Everyone was nervous and scared but Belial assured them that James was going to be just fine.

Belial visited the house daily to visit his grandson and help train him with his elements. Harry was making amazing progress and now almost had complete control over elements. There were times if Harry's emotions were strong that he would slip and cause something to happen. The last incident, Harry caused a wind storm resulting in a couple large trees falling. Harry didn't mind, it was a few less trees blocking his wonderful sun.

Harry still couldn't bring himself to go outside. He desperately wanted to but each time he tried he would have a panic attack. He wanted Jacob to take him to the beach, he had never seen the ocean. Emmett showed him how to use the Internet and he had been researching about all the different critters he could find there. Belial said Harry would probably have a strong connection to all the animals and creatures since his grandmother was the angel of nature. He said that was why Harry craved basking in the sunlight so much.

Right now Harry was filling his sunroom up with tons of snacks, both wizard and muggle varieties. He had Chocolate Frogs, Cauldron Cakes, Bertie Bots, Chocoballs, Cockroach Clusters, Licorice Snaps, Canary Creams, and Esme helped him make a variety of cakes and cookies. He also had a couple cases of Butterbeer and Pumpkin Juice. He didn't want his vampire family to feel left out so he also had Bloodpops. Harry was throwing a big surprise party for his dad. It was his last night as a human so he wanted his dad to pig out on all his favorite junk foods. He had also invited all their friends, both wizard and muggle. His athair took his dad out for the day to the wizarding village in Seattle so he could set up the party.

Harry kept checking the time. Sirius and Remus were due at any moment and he was so excited. He hadn't seen them since he was rescued from Dumbledore. They had stayed at Grimmauld Place so they could fight Fudge for Harry. He had spoken to them using his mirror but it wasn't the same.

Jacob came in wrapping his arms around Harry from behind, and started nibbling on his neck. " Hmm, you taste better then any of these sweets."

Harry giggled and swatted him away. " Stop, everyone will be here soon and I want everything perfect."

" I think your dads going to be to sick tomorrow from eating all this junk to be turned." Laughed Jacob, stealing a Chocolate Frog. He had become addicted to the chocolate amphibians.

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