chapter 10

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Edward was gripping the door so hard that he ripped it right off its hinges. What the hell was wrong with him? Why did he want to hurt his father? Why was his mate's smell all over him?

Wait, mate? That can't be right, Bella was his mate. Bella was the love of his life and he couldn't live without her.

"Please, Carlisle." Edward snarled between clenched teeth. "Back away from me, I don't want to hurt you." Edward was holding his breath trying his hardest to not breath in that intoxicating scent that was clinging to his father like a second skin and driving him crazy.

Emmett and Rosalie rushed to Carlisle's side prepared to help restrain Edward if needed. Jasper was still trying to cope with Edward's emotions and couldn't get up to help his siblings. On top of everything else Edward was feeling, he was now feeling blind rage and jealousy towards Carlisle. If Carlisle didn't back away soon, Edward was going to attack.

"Please, Edward, tell me whats wrong." Carlisle pleaded. The entire family had fed last night so that couldn't be Edward's problem. He was frantically sorting through everything that he knew that could possibly hurt vampires and so far he could come up with nothing that would explain Edward's strange behavior.

"He's going feral, Carlisle, why?" Emmett asked, tense and ready to spring into action. He was prepared to haul Edward's ass out of the house the second he made a move towards Carlisle or anyone else. He was probably the only vampire here strong enough to handle a feral vampire.

He had heard and read stories about feral vampires and they weren't very pretty. Their coven was was known all around the world for being the most compassionate and having incredible self control, he never imagined in a million years that one of his own family members would lose it like this.

Carlisle knew that Edward was going to lose the battle to stay sane, he could see it in his eyes. "Esme, very slowly go upstairs and warn our guests what's happening and don't come back down," he said slowly and softly, never taking his eyes off of Edward. Without her arguing, he watched out of the corner of his eye as she slipped out of the room and up the stairs. "Emmett?" he whispered, "Get ready."

"Son, you need to focus." Carlisle pleaded softly, praying that he could get through to his son. "Remember who you are. You are stronger than this and you can beat it." He could see that Edward was trying hard to fight it, that he was trying to focus on his voice. "That's it, you can do it. Focus on my voice, son."

Edward was trying to not let the scent consume him and turn him feral. " much... too" He tried to form a complete sentence, but it was too hard, all he could manage was a few broken, garbled words.

"What was that?" Carlisle asked taking a tentative step forward.

That one step proved to be too much for Edward. Carlisle's shirt rippled against his stomach causing that amazing scent to billow up and into his face. Not only that, but his father's shirt was tinged red with blood...his mate's blood. With a roar, his control snapped and he lunged at the man that dared to hurt his mate.

Edward collided into Carlisle with the force of a roaring freight train. Even though Carlisle was prepared for the attack, he still went flying into the air, busting through the coffee table and then colliding hard into the wall, leaving behind a huge hole behind.

Carlisle shook his head feeling stunned and confused. He knew that Edward was fast, but he couldn't believe how strong his son was. Still in a daze, he winced when Edward grabbed him by the hair and smashed his head into the floor. He didn't want to fight Edward, not his first

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