chapter 4

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Groaning, Severus pinched the bridge of his nose. These damn kids were going to be the death of him. "Dr. Cullen?"

"Please, call me Carlisle," Carlisle interrupted.

Severus inclined his head. "Thank you, and you may call me Severus." Looking down at Harry, his eyes softened. "A year ago Draco, my godson, came into his elven inheritance and since than has been extremely protective of Harry. We don't know the nature of this bond since it seems that there is something blocking it, but when Harry was taken, we had to keep Draco sedated to keep him from getting himself killed trying to rescuing him. There's definitely a strong connection there and I'm worried about what would happen if we separate them."

Carlisle looked to the young man in question and noticed the dark circles under his eyes marring his otherwise perfect completion. He could also tell that the boy had just recently lost a great deal of weight. "I understand. Draco may accompany Harry to my home as long as he tries to get along with my family. They won't appreciate being called monsters.

"I'm sorry," Draco mumbled. "I just panicked when I woke to see a vampire hovering over Harry."

"Apology accepted," Carlisle grinned. He could tell that Draco wasn't one for apologizing. Over the years he had heard a lot about the infamous Draco Malfoy from Harry, it was surprising to see how close they now were when they were enemies from day one. "I think it will do my son good to have a friend there for him. Someone who was there for him during this terrible war and can relate to him."

"Thank you," Draco said with a big sigh of relief. "I promise to try my hardest to get along with everyone."

"I will warn you, Draco, my family is very protective of Harry and of each other. If you threaten them, they will attack," Carlisle warned.

"I understand," Draco said. "I know how important everyone is to Harry. He would talk about his family all the time." There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for Harry, even make nice with a house full of vampires. Carlisle seemed alright, but he had come to learn to never trust vampires. Hopefully this coven would prove him wrong.

Carlisle could see how relieved the young man was to be able to stay with Harry. It greatly concerned me that Draco was Harry's mate, he feared that it would be a long time before his son would be ready for that kind of relationship. Hopefully Draco will be patient and give his son the time that he needs in order to recover before pushing him into anything. Right now wasn't the time to worry about that though, he needed to get Harry home to where he knew that he would be safe.

"Is there anything that you can give him to keep him asleep?" Carlisle asked, looking down at his son who still clinging to his arm.

"This sleeping charm will keep him out for at least two hours," Severus explained with a wave of his wand. "Draco," he barked, turning to his godson. "Hurry now and pack so we can get going. Remember, no killing any Weasleys along the way."

"There's only one Weasley that I want to kill," Draco growled with an evil glint in his eyes.

Carlisle watched as the young man left the hospital wing mumbling something about dead weasels under his breath. "Weasleys? I thought that the Weasleys were Harry's friends?Harry considered them family."

"Indeed," Severus sneered in disgust. "It seems that some of them were only friends with your son for the fame and his fortune. There is even a marriage contract between Harry and their youngest son. A contract, I might add, that your son never agreed to before it was finalized."

Carlisle was damn near vibrating with anger. "What?" he roared, tuning to look at Albus. He felt his fangs burst through his gums when he saw that the man was grinning from ear to ear.

"It's for Harry's own good," Dumbledore said in his best grandfatherly voice. "Harry needs someone who will look after, protect and love him. Young Ronald can offer Harry all of that. He adores your son."

"Love!" Severus snorted. "That selfish little bastard doesn't love Harry. The only thing he loves is all Harry's gold sitting in his vaults. Not only did you promise Harry to that whiny, jealous little shit, but you made him the dominant in the bonding. That boy will force Harry to his will and then blow his inheritance."

Carlisle couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could Albus force his son to marry someone that he didn't love? If Severus could see that Ronald would abuse and hurt him, why the hell couldn't his old friend see it? It was plain as the nose on his face that Albus didn't care anything for his sweet boy. Arranged marriages were barbaric.

"Just an hour ago you were in my office professing that you loved my son like a grandson, but it seems to me that all you have ever done for him is cause him pain and suffering. The only thing that you have done right for that boy is to allow my family to adopt him. Can this contract be dissolved?"

"No," Albus answered with a half a smirk. "It's a magical binding contract. If Harry doesn't marry Ronald by his nineteenth birthday, in just a little over a year, his magic will turn in on him and slowly kill him. I'm told that the pain is unlike anything that you can imagine. Don't worry, Carlisle, Ronald will take excellent care of your son, just wait and see. I'm sure someday Harry will be thanking me."

Carlisle calmly picked up his son and gently laid him on the bed. "Love you," he whispered, placing a light kiss on his forehead. With a snarl, he spun around with his vampire speed and grabbed Albus by his robes and slammed him against the wall. "Why have you condemned my son to a life with no love? It should be his decision if he wants a dominant partner and who that partner will be."

Eyes bleeding black, Carlisle leaned forward so that he was almost nose to nose with Albus. "Tell me, old man, why shouldn't I rip your throat out right now for what you have done to Harry? First you tear him away from a family that loved and adored him, and now you're binding him to a young man that won't appreciate Harry for the amazing and loving person that he is. He only wants my son's gold."

He was so tempted to kill Albus for everything he had put Harry through. What was it about his son that caused his old friend to act this way? He was positive that he didn't go around forcing all his student to bond with others that they didn't love. Why was he doing it to his son? What was so special about Harry?

Severus reached out and placed a firm hand on the vampire's shoulder. "He's not worth it, Carlisle. We will find some way to free Harry from the contract, there has to be a loophole."

"Severus!" Albus gasped after Carlisle released him. "The only legal way for Harry to get out of the contract is if he comes into a full creature inheritance and has a destined mate. Everyone knows that neither James nor Lily had creature blood in them. Harry will be marrying Ronald."

Albus ran his hands down his robes, soothing out the wrinkles. "Even if by some chance he does come into a creature inheritance, he would have to find his mate or mates before his nineteenth birthday...that will be almost impossible."

"I know that you feel I have wronged your boy, Carlisle," Albus said, heading for the hospital wing doors, "but I do love him and I only want to see him happy. It may be awkward at first, but Harry will learn to love Ronald. I know in my heart that I have chosen the best husband for him."

"Harry will never be happy in a forced marriage, especially one where he has no say," Carlisle snarled. "Who the hell gave you the right to choose my son's mate?"

Stopping at the large double doors, Albus turned to face Carlisle. "Carlisle, I contacted you because I believe that you can save and heal Harry. I will allow you to take him home with you, but I will be checking up on him. I'm sure Ronald would want to accompany me, you know, to spend some quality with his fiancé." With that, be turned and swept out of the hospital wing.

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