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A ginormous metallic being stood, a being as big as the biggest planet, his posture straight as cosmic energy of all colours surrounded him, words sung in a chant leaving what appeared to be a mouth. Huge hands outstretched, what would be his fingers clenched around the same energy.

Before time began, there was the cube.

Slowly, the energy formed until it was a glowing sphere. Pieces of the giant being then began to break off of him, and formed around that sphere. Melding together until it formed a cube. A cube that he could hold in his hands.

What would be the being's mouth formed into a grin.

"You are of life, and death, and power itself!" His words echoed across time and space itself. The cube in his hands glowed a bright blue and vibrated as if responding.

We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life.

"You can help me win this fight"

That is how our race was born.

That being with the cube at his side travelled through galaxies, universes, realities. Until he decided to settle. Using his cube, it created a planet, and beings in his likeness yet different in certain aspects.

For a time we lived in harmony.

But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil.

Throughout time and history, the cube was valued as a treasure among the beings of the one who created it. Even when her creator had left. It kept watched, it observed how her creator's descendants, her creations descendents slowly turned to the dark

And so began the war.

A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death

Seen as an invaluable relic, as the reason for such destruction and chaos, the cube battled great sorrow. It was best if it was not so accessible to the hands of evil. Some of her creator's descendents thought so too.

And the cube was lost to the far reaches of space

We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star,

Every world,

Lost and alone, travelling through the galaxy, again the cube learned. Even so far away from home, it continued to learn. Afterall, it was made of life and death and power itself.

And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to a new world;

That was until it felt a pull. One of hope, yet despair and of great destiny. Having no choice, it followed.


The cube felt when the energy shifted and vibrations surrounded it in what could only be explained as a laugh.

"Here you are"

But we were already too late

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