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Hidden in plain sight....much closer than they appear....


I jumped and sat up straight as I looked at our teacher Mr. Hosney expecting to be scolded. However, it was my brother he had called and not me.

I exhaled in relief before returning to resting my hands back on my arms only to see them wet and red. I touched the corner of my mouth before quickly wiping away the dribble.

I glanced around the classroom, hoping no one saw me but they were all focused on my brother. I rested my head back on my hands and actually paid attention this time.

'Got to stop falling asleep in classes'

My brother, and no we're not twins, Sam was at the front of the class. Today we had presentations on family heirlooms or something important to the family and why they had such sentiment.

Sam was at the front of the class with our great, great grandfather's stuff. Luckily for me, I had presented on our aunt Genevra's stuff and had gone first in the class so I could sleep through the rest of the presentations.


"Sorry. Unfortunately, the genius that our great, great grandfather was, he ended up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward drawing these strange symbols and babbling on about some giant ice man that he discovered"

True story by the way.

The bell rang and everyone stood up not caring about the rest of the presentation or to be dismissed. As they left, Sam tried to make bargains and to sell our great, great grandfather's things even though I told him not to.

I could already see how this was going.

It was Friday and today, if both of us had managed to get an A, Dad promised us he would get us our first car.

The amount of begging, and pleading, and chores we had to do to pull this off just for my idiot brother to ruin this chance was really going to ruin my whole mood.

I sighed.

'Goodbye first car'

Unfortunately, we had to share the car. Something about responsibility and sharing between siblings but we both know it's just that dad doesn't want to spend the money.

Sam annoyed Mr. Hosney, a specialty of his really, until he got an A minus. I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my bag just as Sam yelled "Yes!" and grabbed his.

We both ran out of school and towards where our father usually parked.

"So?" dad asked. I grinned.

"A's. We both got A's." Sam said.

Dad looked at the reports and smiled. Sam and I jumped into the Austin-Healy 3000 like we were so accustomed to doing. Opening the door takes longer.

"I got a surprise for you two" dad said

"What kind of....." Sam said but stopped when he saw Dad pulled into a Porsche store. Needless to say he freaked out. I, on the other hand, didn't believe this for a second and crossed my arms.

'He's definitely kidding us'

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Sam said excitedly. I shook my head.

"Yeah, I am. You're not getting a Porsche." he said laughing. I sucked my teeth. I knew it was too good to be true. A Porsche would've been nice though.

"You think this is funny?" Sam asked angrily as Dad drove out of the parking lock.

"C'mon, it's Dad. You should've expected this" I said but he ignored me.

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