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-Mom: Are you crazy?! To Korea?! You are definitely not going...
-Y/N: But mom, I can pass the audition and become a singer!
-Mom: And what happens with your lawyer career? I paid a lot in that school so you could have a high level...
-Y/N: Mom I'm begging you, I want to be a singer... Please...
-Mom: Is it that difficult to understand? No means no, understood?
-Y/N: I hate this... I hate you as well!

I left my home the day before leaving to Korea... I don't want to see anyone... Why does she have to be that stubborn? Can't she understand that I don't want to be a lawyer but a singer? Ugh, I hate when she's like that! Just wait, I'm gonna show you how I become one of the greatest singers ever!

While walking I feel some water, aish, it's raining and I dont have an umbrella... Where should I go? I don't want to go with my friends because I would have to tell them about my dream... They would just make fun of it, and going to Yaiko's house... Nope, I would give a terrible image... I'll go just to a park...

MOMO'S POVI was at a store buying some snacks, cause well, I love snacks

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I was at a store buying some snacks, cause well, I love snacks... But suddenly it started raining... I had to buy an umbrella as well, while walking, I realized that a boy was walking without an umbrella and he was already all wet... As I was approaching him, he looked even more familiar... Wait, isn't he Y/N?
-Momo: Y/N?
-Y/N: Momo noona?
-Momo: What are you doing here--Wait, are you crying?
-Y/N: Huh? No! I don't cry, never... It's just the rain, yeah, the rain... (looks down)
-Momo: You can tell me whatever that happened to you... (smiles)
-Y/N: My mom is against the idea of me being a singer... She wants me to be a lawyer so she doesn't allow me to go to Korea...
-Momo: Oh don't worry, we can talk to her and maybe she'll change her thinking... (smiles) I'll tell her that you are an amazing singer! And of course, my agency always looks for talented people like you...
-Y/N: Would you really do that for me?
-Momo: Of course, and you are part of my family now, so more reasons to do it... Let's go! (smiles)
-Y/N: Thank you noona, I really appreciate all of what you are doing... (hugs me)

I hugged him back, but something was wrong... Why does it feel weird? I mean, I like this embrace... It's different from when I hug my members... Y/N is bigger, warmer, stronger... And manly.
-Y/N: Ah! I feel better now, let's go noona... (smiles) (grabs my arm and pulls me)
-Momo: Yah, slowly slowly! It's raining we might have an accident!
-Y/N: But is fun, right? (smiles)
-Momo: Yeah, it is! (laughs)

We ran under the rain until we arrived to his house... Then a really worried woman opened the door and hugged him tightly... It must me her mom, I'm sure that she was really worry about her son...
-Mom: Don't you dare to do that again, okay Y/N? You don't have any idea of how worried I was...
-Y/N: I've got it mom, I'm sorry...
-Mom: Oh who's this girl? Is she your girlfriend?
-Y/N: My girlfriend? (laughs) No, she's Momo, and idol and she's the one who offered me to do the audition...
-Mom: Come here dear...

I did just as she said... I don't know what's going on now...
-Mom: You are really beautiful! Why don't you give my son a try, he's kind of fool sometimes, but he has a good heart... Oh, and he'll be a lawyer...
-Momo: (laughs) Your son is younger than me, and I think he should try being an idol... Let him travel with me to Korea, please...
-Mom: Korea is too far... And if he passes it, he'll have to stay there...
-Y/N: But I can come time to time...
-Momo: That's how it works, but it's your son's dream... Let him do it, please.
-Mom: But this will feel so lonely without him... And who will care about him there and-
-Momo: I will, don't worry... I'll make sure that he has everything he needs... (smiles)


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-Mom: Agh... (looks at Y/N) I'm going to miss you a lot my son... (hugs him)
-Y/N: I'll make you proud of me mom... I promise... (smiles)
-Mom: I'm already proud of you... And Momo-chan, please have a look on him as much as you can...
-Momo: Yeah, don't worry... (smiles) Well Y/N, I think you need to pack...
-Y/N: Oh yeah... (smiles)
-Momo: Tomorrow at 7am at the airport... Don't be late okay?
-Y/N: I won't, and thanks again noona... (smiles)
-Momo: You are more than welcome, well ill return home...
-Y/N: Yeah, bye noona (waves)
-Momo: Bye Y/N (smiles and waves)

Well seems like I have to take care of a kid now in Korea... He'll have problems with Korean so he may need my help... Yeah, I'm gonna do a good job, it's my brother in law after all...

Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm going to Korea and I'll become a singer!

THE BAD BOY, CAN BE THE GOOD ONE- MOMO X MALE READER Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant