Chapter 12

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Emily's P.O.V

I stand there, absolutely frozen , as I stare into her sly blue eyes, filled with nothing but evil.

"What are you doing here, Alison?"I ask her through gritted teeth as I step into the kitchen. Her smirk hasn't left her face yet and I have to dig my nails into my palm in order for me not to punch her face , something I have wanted to do for the past few months, if not years.

"I came to see my mermaid, after all , you didn't call me like I asked you to."She replies slyly as she slides off the stool ,stepping slowly towards me. I stare at her in disbelief on how she can even think I would take her back and do whatever she told me after all the lies, the hate, the abuse.

"Get. the. fuck. away. from. me."I spit as she stops in her tracks, her smirk gone as she stares at me coldly, all her confidence knocked down. She raises her hand ,prepared to swing, as I grab her wrist and hold it tightly. "Don't. you. dare."I add as she drops her arm down.

"So stressed, need me to take care of that?" She says as I laugh at her, looking like an absolute psychopath. Is she for real.

"You got to be fucking kidding me. Get out!"I shout as she steps closer to me, putting her hands on my waist. I put my hands on hers and rip them off my body. " I said leave!"

"Be careful who you trust Emily, just because they appologise doesn't mean they stopped their evil ways."She chuckles to herself as she grabs her bag and steps around me ,walking out the kitchen and the house.

As soon as the front door closes, I scream in frustration. She would never leave me alone. I was stuck with her for the rest of my life. I made so many mistakes. I grab the cup that she was just drinking from as it shatters against the wall, leaving a little streak of vodka,which rolled down the cream wall. I couldn't give a damn at the moment. I walked into the living room and sunk into the couch, running my fingers through my tangled hair. What can I do to make her leave? I was finally happy with Lauren and she has to ruin everything. What did she mean about trusting? Was she talking about Lauren? I sigh as I grab my phone from my pocket. 1 new text message. I unlock the phone and read the message.

Lauren: You still coming over?

Fuck. After the whole thing with Paige and now Alison, I couldn't be asked to go. But I want to. We were finally in a good place and I wasn't about to ruin that. I smile to myself as I pick up the phone and text a reply.

Me: Yes baby, just getting ready x

And with that, I got off the couch and made my way upstairs into my room, slipping out of the sweats before throwing the hoodie over my head and onto the bed. I pick out a guns and roses vest, some ripped black shorts, platform boots and grab a leather jacket. I pack my backpack with just makeup and put my phone in it as I go back downstairs, grabbing my keys and stepping out the house, locking it. I make my way down the street as the wind nips on my legs. Didn't care, I needed to tell Lauren everything, and I would do it today.

Lauren's P.O.V

I tap my fingernails against the dining table impatiently as I looked over to the clock. 5 to 6. She should be here any minute and I was nervous. Finally ,the doorbell rang and I shot up from my chair, smoothing down my sheer blouse and the skater dress. I wasn't dresses up because she was only coming over so I didn't feel like I needed to. I make my way to the door as fast as I can before swinging it open to be met with the most beautiful sight in front of me. She was standing infront of me ,her hair pushed back by her bandana and her backpack slung losely over her shoulder. I smiled at her as she did the same, as I bought her closer, my hands on her hips as I pushed her into me ,placing a peck on her lips which she returned. I opened the door further so she could step in as she nodded and walked in, dropping her backpack on the floor.

"You look beautiful." She says to me as I smile at her and do a little sarcastic spin as she laughs at my actions.

"Not bad yourself, Fields." I say approvingly, as my eyes make their way up and down her body, looking at her long legs. Damn. This girl will be the death of me. "Come, I made dinner." I add as I take her hand in mine and pull her into the kitchen ,pulling out the chair for her as she mumbles a thank you and sits down to which I nod before doing the same. I smile at her as she looks at me, a little bit distant. Uh oh. What did I do. After a few seconds of silence ,I decide to speak up. "Let me get the food." She smiles at me as I get up from my seat and towards the counter where I had some lasagne on two plates. I grab them before bringing them towards the table where Emily was staring out the window. I really needed to know what was making her this way but I didn't want to ruin this yet. I place the food in front of her as I do the same to my place and sit down in front of her.

"Thanks Lauren, you sure know how to treat a girl."She says, giggling a little as she takes a bite of the lasagne as she moans approvingly, making me swoon. She appreciated my efforts and that's all that mattered.

"Glad you like it." I add as she nods, before continuing to eat. We sit there in a comfortable silence as we devour our food, stealing a few glances from each other in the process. In a matter of minutes, our plates are empty and we sit there, hands interwined, looking into each others eyes. This was perfect. I was sitting here with the most beautiful girl ever and I couldn't believe it. She smiled at me nervously as I furrowed my eyebrows .Why was she so nervous? I finally decide to speak up as I clear my throat, making her startle a little. "Do you wanna stay mine tonight?" I ask as she looks at me, thinking about it for a few seconds. When I finally think she isn't going to say yes, she speaks up.

"Of course, if you want me to." She says as I nod and smile at her warmly as she repeats the action. I get up slowly from the table, still holding her hand as I help her up, pulling her towards the stairs. We walk up as I open the door to my room ,the curtains flowing as the wind vents through the balcony doors, slightly ajar. I close the door behind us to find Emily near the balcony, stepping out. I follow her swiftly ,standing next to her as we stare at the view. As I glance to Emily, I find her standing there, emotionless as a few tears escape her eyes. I look at her confused, brushing them off as she turns towards me, her eyes now changed into sadness.

"What's wrong ,Em?"I ask her as she breaks down ,sobbing, as I pull her into me,  letting her cry into my chest. I was utterly confused now and I needed to know what was going on with her. She was my girlfriend and this was something that was obviously bothering her to the point where she needed to cry. I let her sob into me for a few minutes before she pulled away, her eyes red ,filled with tears. I brush them off as she stands there, shaking.

"I need to tell you something and I haven't told anyone this." She says, her voice breaking at the end as I hold her hand, nodding in response.

"Come on, let's get you inside." It's now her turn to nod as I pull her through the balcony doors and sit her down on my bed ,before closing the doors, letting the warm air stay in the room. I walk over to Emily as I sit down next to her, staring into her brown eyes. "What is it?"I ask her as she looks at me.

"Remember the night you came mine and we made out in the kitchen? And then I was crying when you came downstairs.?" She asks as I smile to myself at the memory and I look back up at her ,nodding softly.

"It was Alison. The girl who abused me for years. She's back." My heart drops as I realise that I was part of the reason she was this way.


Lauren, the hell you planning slut? You better treat Emily right you little shit.

I actually cry for Emily at night, she's bae and she be bullshited all the time. Like damn.

Anyways, sorry for not updating but had writers block.Ooops.

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