The beggining of a long night

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"You know, to don't have to be so angry all the time."
I told Peter as we swung throughout the city.
The lights from all the towers illuminated our path, as we graced the skies.
"Yeah, well he doesn't have to hit on my girl, my lovely gorgeous girl, to be exact." He said with a smug smile plastering across his face.
"Awe, Peter." I bask in his appreciation, "you're not to bad yourself."
He stares back at me, same smile still contouring his lips, and placed me on the launch pad.
"Where's Eddie?" I asked
"I literally could not care less."
Then, out of nowhere, we hear a scream shattering the silence.
"Hey (y/n), I think I found him..." Peter said, sarcastically
"Really, you think so?" I sassed right back, and swung to rescue Eddie. I could tell he needed some help.
With Peter right in my tail, we found Eddie fighting another ginormous blob monster, except this one is way uglier.
"We could leave, and you know what? Let's go (y/n), it looks like Brock has this under control. BYE EDDIE, I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL!" Peter replied, with an even bigger smile. Clearly proud of his remark.
I ignored him as I got right into the battle.
"Awe (y/n).." is all I heard from Peter before trying to shoot this thing down with my webs.
"(Y/n), look out!" Eddie screamed, but was too late.
The unidentified glob monster came from behind me, and shoved his spear-hand duo thing straight into my leg.
I'm screaming out in pain, as it said
"You can not defeat me, mortal. Riot will end the human race!"
I try to shuffle back to safety, without straining my leg to much. Before I could get away, Riot grabs me by my neck, and throws me across the launch pad.
"(Y/n)!" Is the last thing I heard before I blacked out.
"Ah!" I screamed after waking up in a new area. It seemed to be a hospital.
"(Y/n), oh my god, I thought you died!" Peter said, while coming in for a bear hug.
"What happened? Why are we here?" I asked
"As soon as you blacked out, Peter finally decided to help, and we won, so yay I guess." Eddie explained.
"Could you lighten up? Jeez dude your brining this whole room down. " Peter remarked
"You two are still at it? Whatever, Peter we need to leave, and figure out how to bring you home with me." I interrupted
I got off the bed and took out my IV. Ignoring the concerned looks I get from both men, I grab my stuff and head to the bathroom to change. As I came out, wearing clothes Peter brought for me, I decided we need to leave before anyone finds us.
"Okay, swift and silent, ladies. Let's go." I said casually walking out of the room, the boys trailing behind me.
"Shouldn't we ask a doctor if this is okay?" Eddie asks.
"I don't have time for doctors, let's go."

Okay, sorry. I was totally wrong

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