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I backed  up to the frame of my bed, huddling in fear. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. The light slowly faded, as a tall figure emerged from the portal. It put it's hands up, and slowly walked towards me.

"(y/n), calm down, it's me, Peter!"

I gasped, running towards him, enclosing him in my arms, crying.

"Oh my god, Peter! I missed you so much!" I said, still in his arms.

" I know sweetheart, me too."

" How did you get my letter so fast? I just put it in the mix." I ask

" Time works differently in my universe. And by the way doll, do you really mean everything you said in the letter?" He questioned, seeming a little worried

" Every word." I reasure with a smile.

" Hold up, whats that?" I point out, making Peter turn around.

"Oh, that's Carlton Drake. The man that brought us together."

I stare at the man, something seems off, but I just can't put my finger on it. An alluring smile, standing five feet away, Carlton Drakes' eyes bore into my soul, making me forget my surroundings.

"Hello (y/n), as you know, I'm hear to help, if you help me, course. Why don't you two follow me back into this portal here, and I'll take you to the Life Foundation, for, uh, our research to better our knowledge on your radioactive spider-bite." He says with a wide grin.

I look over at Peter, who has a huge smile on his face, wiping away all my troublesome thoughts. I take Peters hand, and he coerced me into the portal, Carlton following closely behind. A series of light engulfed me into it's embrace, and swiftly carried us all into the next universe. The light blinding, yet ending rather quickly, as we stepped out into a lab.
"Where are we?" I inquired.
"This, is the Life Foundation. Were you two will be held, and help me while you stay over at this universe. Make yourself at home." Carlton says, the same smile still plaguing his face.
"This place is great, (y/n), you'll love it." Peter says enthusiastically.
Carlton pulls us aside, and begins to show us around.
"This is where we will be most of the time. It's where our radiology and logistics division is. Any questions?"
He asked.
I didn't have any, until I saw a heavily guarded door, with 'caution' written on the front.
"Uh yeah, what's that?" I ask, extremely curious.
"Oh yeah. What is it?" Peter followed.
"That's just where we keep, Uh, some data. We would not want that stolen, would you." He replies, followed by a lousy fake laugh.
I just smile and nod my head, looking back at that door. Somethings in there.
Thirty more minutes go by, and we reached the end of our tour, which had conveniently ended at our door for the time being.
"Thank you so much, Mr.Drake." I said, Peter nodding to agree.
"Not a problem, goodnight, and have a nice life!" He said happily before waking away.
I pulled Peter inside the room once I was assured he was gone.
"There's something off with that man. I just feel it deep in my gut" I said.
"You could feel something else deep in your gut if-"
"Mister Drake requested that once you both get settled, to met in the main lab." A strange electronic voice notified us.
"Jeez." Was all I could muster before heading to the lab.
" Hey, I think you might've been right, (y/n)"

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