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Sorry i haven't updated in awhile! I got my wisdom teeth removed, anyway (f/b)= favorites bagel, and (f/t)= favorite topping.

I gasped as I dropped the letter to the floor.

Is it really him? I quickly bent down to retrieve the letter, and opened it gently.

" Dear (Y/n),

To be sure the fate of the multi-verse is safe, I went on a mission to the lab where they held the collider in my universe. It was called The Life Foundation. I snooped around, and stole some bagels, you know how it is. I got you one too, a (f/b) with (f/t). Just the way you like it. It's just sitting in my fridge now, I hope you might be able to claim it soon, which accualy, is why I wrote this. The owner of the Life Foundation, Carlton Drake, said he could find a way to bring us together again, if we could just help him with something. I'm not sure what, I forgot to ask I was so excited. This letter is a test. I hope it reaches you, and if it does, I love you, (y/n), and I always will.

Peter Benjamin Parker

(p.s, if you got this, there is instructions on the back, if you want to send me a letter.)

I put it down, and started to cry. He went through all that trouble for me.

I turned it over, and it explained that in the radioactive bite, there is an energy that can travel through universes, without the glitch.

I followed the instructions, which were hella weird.

Step one: draw blood from the site of the bite

Step two: mix that with biochemicals (lucky for you, you work with them)

Step three: put the letter in, with the address on, and soak overnight. In the morning, it should be gone.

I quickly compose a letter, and head to sleep. I finally have a reason to go to work tomorrow. Besides paying the bills, that is. I run upstairs, and look at the clock. 3am.

Two hours of sleep is worth it if I get to see Peter again.


"ugh, why" I complain rolling out of bed.

jumping into my scrubs, and brushing through my hair, I just kept stairing at my letter.

Smiling like an idiot, I ran downstairs, ready to steal some biochemicals from the hospital.

" Well someone's happy. You know it's still 5 in the morning, right?" They comment

"I'm just happy to go back to work, thats all." I lie, again.

"Whatever. I made some waffles if you-"

(f/n) was cut off my the sound of me stuffing waffles down my throat.

"Looks like you already found them. Let's go, I don't wanna be late today." (f/n) complains

I wash my breakfast down with some coffee, and run to the car. Pulling on the door that won't open, (f/n) clicks they keys to unlock it, then throws them my way.

"Your a real idiot, you know that."

" Yes ma'am" I giggle

After the quickest car ride to work ever, I ran to clock myself in, and check up with the trauma department. (f/n) not so close behind.

All the doctors are lines up, waiting to hear what they should be doing today, until Dr.Hund, the head of the trauma department, walked up.

"Okay everyone, before we begin, we're short staffed in radiology, does anyone want to volunteer to help?"

My head shot up. Radiology is right next to the cancer section, and those two will have tons of samples I could take. I raise my hand.

"Perfect, thanks you, miss (y/n), you may go there now."

I nodded and walk away, (f/n) giving me dirty looks for leaving her alone.

As soon as I get there, I check inventory, to see what I'm working with. Chemo, perfect. I knew I couldn't take it now, I'd have to wait till the end of the day. Radiology was a breeze, especially when you're given the easiest job ever. I just had to take patients to the X-ray machine, then give them an X-ray. I didn't even have to analyze it!

9 hours and 30 minutes in. My shift ends in 30 minutes, so I decide to make my move. I went to the inventory furthest away from where I was stationed, so I couldn't get blamed. I grabbed a pocket-sized bottle of chemo, a very low dose but still hazardous, and scurried away.

I didn't run out the way I ran in, to avoid looking suspicious. I also grabbed some gauze, and signed it out, so if anyone asked, I can say 'oh, I just got some gauze ' and saunter away.

(F/n) was waiting in the car for me.

" What the hell? first, you leave trauma for radiology, then you make me wait here for half and hour?"

" Sorry man, I just wanna see what radiology is like, and, I had to get some gauze " I say, holding it up.

" Whatever, lets go home, I'm about to eat everything in that fridge." (f/n) says, and I laugh.

When we get home, I grab a mask, some gloves, and on old cookie sheet, that I cleaned, and will DEFINITELY throw away after this, and set up in my bathroom.

I take a syringe and needle, and take some blood from my hand, and mix it with the biochemicals. I run to get the letter, and put it in the mixture.

I stare at it for a little, and head to bed, because it was almost 11. I was so exited, and could barley go to sleep.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bright blue light.

"What the hell is that?"

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