The accident

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Peter and I walk silently to the lab, hand in hand, ready to embrace whatever was being thrown at us.
And I just realize I left my spider costume in my universe- if that's what you can call it.
"Shit!" I said under my breath.
"What is it?" Peter whispers, worried.
"I left my costume at my place."
"Sweetie. You don't need that to be a superhero."
"Yeah but I looked really good..." I angrily mumbled.
Peter just quietly laughed in response, and we made it to the lab at last.
Carlton was sitting on a chair, writing something down, and seemed so intrigued and captivated, he didn't even notice us enter.
"Sir, Mr.Parker, and Miss (L/n) have arrived." The AI informed him.
He looked up from whatever he was working on, and scrambled to hid it without being to conspicuous.
"Ah, welcome! I hope you have made yourselves at home, because we have a lot of work to do!" He says with a big, bright smile on his face.
"Yeah, about that, what are we even doing?" Peter inquired.
"Oh. Right. Peter, I'm sure you have heard of this, but (y/n), in your universe, you don't have the same advances. Let me explain my plan." He says, with an almost crooked grin.
I just display a lame smile as a response.
"Now, my corporation, The Life Foundation, has just recently, and successfully completed a journey to space. Cool, right? Anyway, we brought back this, this amazing, wonderful, life changing species! We call them, "symbiotes". They are the key in saving this planet."
He pauses.
"Are you in?"
Peter and I look at each other, unsure about this proposition. But how could we say no to saving the world? I gave him a reassuring smile.
"We'd love to help." Peter says, extending his hand for Carlton to shake it.
"Perfect! Let's get started right away! First things first, new uniforms. Those old ones are no good, and now that you represent me, and The Life Foundation, you need to look fresh. Here, take some samples. Try them on, and let me know how they fit." He says, showing hangers in our arms.

Carlton showed us a place where we could get dressed alone, and even had one wall entirely mirrored. Insane.
I tried on at least 25 before I found the one.

(This, but more form fitting and the hood extends to cover your face

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(This, but more form fitting and the hood extends to cover your face.)

I gasped at how well it fits, and how GREAT I LOOK!! Even better then my Halloween costume! I should have expected that anyways...
"PETER!! psst! Peter!!" I call out to him in his make-shift fitting room.
"I'm guessing you found the one?" He asks.
"Yep. Did you?"
"Hells yeah. Come out, I'll show you"

"Damn Parker, you looking fine

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"Damn Parker, you looking fine." I say, looking him up and down.
"Not to bad yourself, sweetheart." He takes my arms and swings me around. He then dips me and pulls his masculine arms in tight so I could be closer, so we could kiss.
"Ahem." Carlton interrupts our moment.
We quickly separate and smooth over our costumes.
"Well I'm glad you two like them. Time for phase t-"
"What's going on?" I yell over the siren that interrupted Carlton.
"I don't know. STAY HERE!" He grimly warms and briskly walks out before running away.
Just as he's out of the door a man bust though the wall, looking sweaty, and greasy, and all types of nasty.
"Shh! They could be bad too!" He whisper-yells to himself.
Peter and I shared worried glances as we walk toward the man.
"Hey, were not, bad, uh, "bad people" we just got here. Do you know what's going on?" I asked as non-threateningly as possible.
He looked as if he was having a war inside his head.
"Sh! Shh! Okay yeah, I know what going on. No time to explain just follow-uhhAHHH!" This hobo begin, we don't know why he's screaming until a black tendril comes out of his back. We try running, but it's too fast, and wrapped us up so tight, we couldn't feel our arms.
It carried us outside and to an apartment complex, where it shrivels up into this, hobo with a home.
"What the-"
"I know, it seems weird a-and unbelievably scary so let me explain.," He says gesturing to his couch. We don't want to say no, so we follow orders.
" I was going to the life foundation to do some research, I'm a reporter. Was a reporter, whatever, irrelevant. Anyways, I'm there I discovered that Carlton drake has been luring homeless people in and making them sign contracts they don't understand. While in there, I found some stuff, and you guys deserve to see it."
He had us his phone, and we scroll through the photos and videos of the poor conditions that Carlton Drake has kept these people in.
"Oh gosh"
"Yeah. That uh, the uh, thing. With the black goop, it's talking to me, through my mind. It says it's one of those aliens they brought down and, and you two are good guys. So, are you?"
He looks scarred and hurt.
Peter looks at this man, and something resonates within him, from when he was alone and felt like a failure.
"We are. I'm Peter, and I'm from New York. My girlfriend is (y/n) and from, uh, another universe?" He stars almost as a question.
The man just nodded as if it's not the weirdest thing he just heard today.
Suddenly, the black orb ascended from the mans shoulders, and spoke for itself.
" I am Venom. These people speak the truth, Eddie. Carlton brought them here, and we shall send them back. I know that's what you want"
I just stare in awe at this seemingly all-knowing blob, and shake my head.
"Also, don't open that door."

Someone just knocked on the door

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