Angst Warning

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******PLEASE READ THE BOLD*******          

The Picture above is not mine, I am going to say this now that this chapter is going to have ANGST and it can possibly be a TRIGGER for some people. And I am sorry for this, for i am feeling the same way that Kirishima is about to feel. But I promise it all ties in. Just wait for the end. Remember that Kirishima has depression, and a hard past story. <3

Kirishima's POV: 

   I stood there, staring at Bakugo. I was trying to comprehend what he just said. "Didn't you hear me?" He asked. So I guess I didn't hear him wrong.. I spaced off looking towards the curtain behind him. 'No, recovery girl said.. It wasn't going to be that bad.' I thought. "Hello?!" He pushed. I shook my head to snap myself out of my daze. "I was just here to check on you and bring you water, that's all." I choked on my words. He grabbed the cup and drank. I walked straight out of the room and out into the hallway and grabbed my chest. I started breathing heavily, my legs felt like jello beneath me. I then began to choke on my tears. I was having a panic attack. No. We were just going on a date.. That's it.. But I couldn't protect him, and look at where we ended up. He is hurt. It's all my fault. Everything is my fault. I don't deserve to be called a hero. I should of never made it into this academy. Especially the hero course. Then I would of never bet Bakugo, and this would of never happened. I tried to pull myself together, and slowly stood up, using the wall as support. I put on a smile and walked towards the dorm rooms. Then clumsily made my way to my room. It's late, so no one was really up. I was too confused to even attempt to look around and see. I crawled my way up the stairs and opened my door and crawled inside. I shut the door and locked it, then everything hit. "He's never going to remember me. Is he?" 'Not a looser like you. You need to go back to being a fucking nobody and leave the hero work to the ones who are actually talented' (The voice in his head) "SHUT UP!" 'You know were not going to stop Eijiro, we will be with you forever.' "AGH!" I yelled. "STOP!" I get up and walk to the bathroom and turn the water on, only cold. I sit in the tub with my clothes still on, and let the water numb my body. I sit there for what feels forever, then I lean out and reach for the 4th drawer. I slide it open and pull out the razor blade. I run it across my arms and watch the fluid spill down the drain. After I contemplate, I clean myself up and turn the water off. I was freezing. I didn't even realize how numb I actually was. I strip, leaving my clothes in the bath tub then I dry off, and walk out into my room. I stare, feeling completely empty. I walk to my dresser and put a red pair of boxers on and a black pair of basket ball shorts, red tank top and a black hoodie on. I shiver and slide my crocks on. I look back at the clock, 4 am, wonderful. I walk out of my room, and the dim lights are still on in the main room. I head out the front doors and walk across the campus. i look up towards the infirmary and up to Bakugo's window. The light is on, but I don't see him in there. I continue to walk towards the main gate when all of a sudden my body goes numb, and my mind goes blank. Oh no- 

Bakugo's POV: 

     I shook my head and I saw recovery girl walk into the room and look at me. I shake my head. Wait. Kirishima. Oh god- I just remembered what I said to him. Fuck. No. I stand up quickly and my head starts to spin, I fall back onto the bed. "You shouldn't be trying to rushing out this quickly." She said. "I've gotta go see Kirishima, he's probably beating himself up-" I got cut off by a loud alert sound coming over the TV. "Alert, Alert. There has been a breach in the prison system, and a few of the constricted villains have made an escape. The following one's that are not accounted for are, ------,-----, Kubo, and ------. If any one has any idea, or may have seen any of these people, please contact authorities right away." My heart sank. Kubo. Thats the one that fucked up Kirishima.. and his quirk.. FUCK HE CAN DO IT AGAIN! "I have to go, Kubo is the one who hurt Kirishima the last time. And he can do the same exact thing if he really wants too. I need to go make sure that Kirishima is okay. PLEASE!" She nodded and I ran out the door. Ectoplasm was up and seemed to be worried. I darted to the dorm area. I think I saw Dozerhead and Cementos too. I don't fucking know. I rushed straight to Kirishima's room. Depression will only make the quirk stronger. Fuck. I know he is depressed. I finally get there and I open the door. He isn't in there. I look in the bathroom. Wait.. wet clothes.. I look around the rim of the tub. His razor. What have I done. From there I went straight for the entrance of the school to hopefully catch up to him. 

Kirishima's POV:

      This can't be happening again. No. There is no way. I thought he was locked up.. There is no way he could of escaped.. But I can't move, just like last time. I have to be strong.. Stronger then this quirk. Wait- I'm not very far from the gates of UA, Someone should see me. Wait. No one knew I left. God I'm a moron. I start thinking. I have to snap out of this trance. I was getting close to the rail road. I took a deep breath. Think DAMN IT! I concentrated, and tried to use will power. Then I noticed I was on the tracks. I concentrated everything on my quirk. Just like Izuku in the sports festival. I've got to try. Maybe it's just best though.. To let the train hit me.. It's not like anyone would miss me.. I gave up on trying, then I suddenly hear the train horn. I took a deep breath, then I somehow collapsed. Before I fully hit the ground, a dark figure came up and hit my side, hard. I lay there. Staring at the sky, still unable to move. Then I see it- 

OUCHIE MY HEART :'((((((((( THIS HURTS ME. MY KIRIBABY. NOOOOO. But i thought it could use a little plot twist. BuT DaMn I waS oN a RoLL. Will they figure out how to stop the Villain and his quirk? Or will it only get worse for Kirishima? Stay tuned!!! 

(God I sound like a corny ass TV announcer xD) 

But honestly. What do you guys think? Terrible? 

Word count: 1,225

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