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( This chapter is based on an rp I had with a friend of mine. The first part is going to be Romans and Virgils POV and the next will be Logan and Pattons)

( Deceits POV)

I had them all here.
And now it was time to play.

I quickly cleared the room so it was blank white.

First to play with Virgil and his lover.

And then Patton and Lo.

I sent Patton and Logan into a separate room and had Roman sit on his knees, meanding his wound so it would no longer bleed.

Virgil appeared in the room and looked around.

" W-What, where-"

" Welcome, Virgil." I said with a sneer. " You're just in time for a game."

Virgil gives me a confused look and glances at Roman, who sits on his knees on the floor.

" Roman?!" He calls out and rushes over to him.

I quickly place an invisible, sound proof barrier between the two and smile.

Virgil bangs his fists against it and trys to run after me but I trap him in sort of an invisble box.

Now, the REAL fun.

I become a voice in the two's heads.

( Romans POV)

It was the voice. The one I had been hearing for weeks. The one the told me not to eat and when I did, to shove my finger to the back of my throat so I would gag it up. I had lost so much weight because of that voice.

I shudder and bang against the glass the glass that separates me and Virgil.

" Virge!" I cry out as he bangs against the barrier a second time.

I can see Deceit smile evily and a knife appears in Virgils "room".

• Do it. You KNOW you want to•

The voice calls and Virgils eyes widen.
He must hear it too.

Virgil turns around with his back to me and stares at the knife.

I gasp and bang on the glass again. " Virgil!" I call out again, but it's no use, he can't hear me.

• Come now, Virgil. Don't be a wuss.•
The voice taunts.

Virgil reaches out for the knife and studys it in his hands.

Deceit still watches the scene intently.

" Virgil, don't!" I plead and press my hands against the glass.

Virgil glances to his arm and puts it into his lap. He rolls up his sleeve and looks at the knife again.

" Virgil, please! You can't do this to me!" I beg with tears streaming down my face.

I knew. I knew that we sides were incapable of dying. But we could still be tortured. And I couldn't bear to see it happen to the one I love.

• Do it, Virgil. Make yourself feel better•

I cover my ears and clench my teeth. " Don't listen, Virge! Please!" I sob.

Virgil presses the blade to his skin and winces as thick red liquid poors from his wound.

I scream and spin around with my back to him.

Another knife appears in my room.

I scream in fear as the knife drags through the ground closer to me.

• Roman? Don't you want to stop being hungry?•

I couldn't control myself as I picked up the blade and looked it over, still sobbing like a child.

My hand moved to my arm and slashed through my shirt to the skin under it. I screamed in agony as the blade cut neatly through my flesh.

I clutched my arm and threw my head back. I turned to face Virgil again to see that he was doing the same with his arm, an expression of pure terror glued to his face.

" Virgil!" I stupidly called again.

Suddenly I was flipped around by an unknow force. I held the blade inches from my chest and Virgil was forced into the same position.

" Deceit, please! Stop this!" I scream like a mad man.

Deceit smiles and his eyes turn bright yellow as he flicks his fingers in Virgils direction.

Virgil plummeted the knife into his chest and wailed as his lungs filled with his own blood.

I stopped crying for a moment. It felt like I had just been punched in the stomach by eight people. My eyes widen and a light goes out inside of me as Virgil removes the knife from his body and tosses to the other side of his room.

I scream and throw the knife as well. I would not let Deceit have control over me, not this way.

I face the barrier again and pound on the glass with my palms.
Virgil falls over onto his back, holding his chest and facing the ceiling.

" You snake!" I yell at Deceit one more time, tears still streaming down my face.

Virgil has his eyes tightly shut and his teeth clenched as blood spills on the floor beneath him.

I sit on my knees, cover my eyes and sob uncontrollably.

( Deceits POV )

That was, some of the most fun I've had with the sides in YEARS.

I removed the invisible boxes from the two.

" That's enough. " I say.

I mend Roman and Virgils wounds with a flick of my wrist and Virgil gasps for air as his lungs are healed.

Roman sits on his knees still crying like a baby. His sobs are loud and drawn out.

I slowly walk over to Roman while Virgil is still panting on the floor.

Roman looks up at me with an expression of pure hatred.

" You're a monster. " He says sniffling.
I smile. " I know."

I then kick him in his shin and he whimpers loudly.

" D-don't touch him." Virgil weekly calls out, now also on his knees with his hand to his once bleeding chest.

" Now do you see what love is Roman? It's pain. Like the pain you felt when Virgil sank that knife into himself. "

Romans eyes widen, but he doesn't respond to me.

" My goodness, you're foolish." I say with a smile. Roman bites his lip and looks at the floor.

" Well I must be going. Snake boy, out." I say sinking into the ground.

( Virgils POV)

After Deceit leaves, Roman rushes over to me and holds me like a little kid.

" My goodness, Virgil, you scared the living daylights out of me!" He says with tears dripping down his face.

I suddenly grab Romans face, bring it to mine and I kiss him. He is shocked for a moment but he melts into the kiss and places his hands gently around my neck. His face is wet from crying, but I don't mind.

I pull away from him and brush Romans bangs out of his face. " I love you too." I tell him horsely. His eyes light up like a Christmas tree and he smiles widely.

I lace my hands through his hair and kiss him again before he can respond.

This felt good.
It felt right.
I finally knew, he felt the same.

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