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(Disclaimer: This is a made up scenario for my friend. IDK if Thomas was bi in college or not, so chill.)

(Virgil's perspective)

Talan. Her name was Talan. Thomas dated her in college when he was still bi sexual. She was 22 and studied art as her major. I remembered her really well because she was one of the last girls we dated, but to be honest Thomas hadn't dated very many.

She was special because she was in love with Thomas and all of his sides as well. But I uh I felt like I had the closest connection with her. I remeber one time when we hung about two weeks into Our relationship especially.

I flicked through the feed on my phone screen as bored as ever. Roman was online whining about an insult I had called him earlier in the day and just all around being pathetic. He deserved it though. Little brat, blowing glitter in my face.

A loud banging noise came from my door and I sighed exasperated. "What do you want, Ro?" I yelled. The person I presumed was Roman banged on the door harder. I roughly threw my head into my pillow and gestured to the ceiling.

"It's not locked, dum dum!" I yelled again, ripping my ear buds from my ears. The door clicked and opened slowly. Talan stuck her head in and glanced around the room. I was suprised to see her and embarrassed that I had thought it was Roman at the door, come to mock me or start a fight. She looked at me with excitement in her eyes and smiled that beautiful toothy smile she so often adorned.

"Hey, Virge." She greeted me, sliding into my room and shutting the door quietly behind her. I gulped. "Hey, Tal." She turned away from the door and looked around my room. "I don't think I've been in here before." She said in amazement. "I love the emo decor." I smiled briefly and sat up against my bed post.

   She walked over to me and threw herself on the opposite side of the bed. I tried to hide my reddening face but to no avail. She let out a happy swoon and wrapped her arms around my torso. I put my phone down and carefully pulled her face into my chest, as if she was fragile and could easily break, I held her there happily.

Talan reached out for my phone and pulled out my headphones from the headphone jack, letting the emo music pour from the speaker.
She sang along to the lyrics softly and delicately.

"How could I ask for more?"

"A lifetime of laughter."

"At the expense, of the death of a bachelor."

She looked at me sweetly with her gray eyes and ran her fingers gently through my hair. She placed my bangs away from my eyes and stroked the temple of my forehead.

I blushed even harder and she giggled then squeezed me again. She was great. She was amazing. I-I... I loved her.

"Hey, Talan. You wanna see something  cool?" I asked her nervously. "Yeah I do!" She replied. I removed her hands from my sides and slid of my bed onto the hard floor. I got up and walked to my door pulling it roughly open. She followed behind me. I put my finger to my mouth. "Roman's being a brat, so let's keep it down."

She smiled mischievously and nodded. I stepped out into the hallway and looked around for any of the other sides. The coast was clear. I grabbed her by the hand and we rushed past Roman's door, giggling like little kids. We rushed into the living room and out the front door. We steadied our breathes, still laughing here and there. "Whew." I exhaled. She squeezed my hand tightly and wrinkled her nose. I blushed again, man this whole blushing thing was crazy uncontrollable.

We walked hand and hand to the back of the yard to the huge oak tree. I sat down and leaned against the trunk and patted the ground next to me. She sat down on her knees next to me and looked up at the branches of the large tree. " What's this?" She said, gestureing to the place where we sat. " It's kinda my safe spot." I replied. She nodded in recognition and shiffted her position.

Her eyes widened her smile grew across her face. "Would you look at that sunset." She said suprised. " You know it only happens once a day, Virge." She nudged me with her elbow. "Hardy har." I said rolling my eyes but still smiling.

I loved her. I loved her more then anyone else Thomas had ever loved. I loved her more then I love black hoodies. I loved her more then my darker eye shadow. I loved her more then mcr! Wait, that's too far.

She put her head on my shoulder and laughed softly. I looked at her affectionately and kissed her gently on the head. She shifted away, and for a moment I thought that I did something wrong but she looked up at me and kissed me full on, on the lips. She placed her hands on my shoulder and rubbed my neck with her thumb.

I jumped at first and she hesitated, but I immediately starting kissing her back. I held her face to mine and she held mine to hers. Her skin was smooth and her lips were soft, it felt amazing.

I felt almost at piece for a moment, like something inside of me had changed. Something settled down inside of me and I was almost...

At peace.

I started to pull away from her but she pulled me back into her. She put her hands behind my head and ran her fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes and thought that this couldn't get any better.

She put her head back on my shoulder and I looked down in bewilderment. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. She put her head on my chest and engulfed me in her arms again.

After that we just... talked and watched the sun set. I  loved being with her. Just being around her gave me this-this feeling. I really... I really

Loved her.

After :

She moved to Arizona about a week later to for her studies.
None of us ever saw her again.

Thomas was broken.

I, I was broken...




this succs, sryyyy.

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