Bleeding out.

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(This scene takes place during "Why are you here?")

(Patton's POV)

My eye lids fluttered halfway open and I looked around my room. When had I fallen asleep? I don't remeber going to bed? I look around my room some more and I realize, it's not mine. I feel something large move and pulsate across my chest and I wake up with a gasp. I remembered what happened.

I was in Deceits room. With Logan. Logan looked up at me in disbelief and a... smile spread across his face. "Patton! A-Are you alright?" He asked worriedly rubbing his shoulder against his cheek. My head hurt really bad and it was hard to think. My eyes still tried to shut again from exhaustion and ringing filled my ears. My head tilted slightly to the side and Logan's smile faded slightly. " Are you, satisfactory, Patton?" He asked again.

"N-No." I managed to force out an answer. "Oh goodness, I wish I could hold you." He said as he pulled at the large snake that engulfed his body. Wait. A snake? I looked down to see a giant python wrapped around my body. I screamed. Logan winced at the sound I had produced, but still tried to calm me down. "Sush sush sush, Patton, it's okay." He said kindly. "Do not fear." My breathing was shaky and I whimpered like a scared little child.

I stared down, petrified at the thing that held me tight against the chair I sat on. I few tears ran down my face and I went a color of deathly pale. Logan must have noticed because he snapped his fingers at me. "Patton, look at me." I craned my neck in the opposite direction of my "restraints" and made a noise.

"No, Patton, look at me." Logan said sternly. I did as I was told and when I did I saw that Logan also had tears running down his face. He gave me a comforting expression and smiled. "Hey, it's okay." He said smoothly. "We're going to be fine." I bit my lip and whimpered again, but nodded my head. His eyebrows furrowed slightly and he turned his postion so he would face me, I did the same and our knees touched.

"Uh huh." I replied.
"W-What happened?" Logan asked. "When you did that thing with your eyes, your voice was strange, what was happening?"
I looked down to our laps and thought for a moment.
I... it-it...
All I could think about was my feelings for him.
And all the times I had had with Lo.

When I made him laugh at my puns or how he would talk to me so seriously. None of the other sides treated me so seriously like he did. I was a part of the team instead of a kid that they had to drag around with them.

And I sort of blacked out.

"I-I just, blacked out."I replied to him. "I couldn't control myself."

He looked around the room angrily. "That snake. I'm sorry if he harmed you. " he said. I looked down and started balling. He looked at me sadly and sighed. " He-He took advantage of me." I stuttered. " He k-kissed me and I kissed h-him." Logan blinked a few times and wrinkled his nose. "Why on earth would you purposely... embrace, Deceit?" He questioned.

"He was disguised as you! I thought-" I cut myself off from what I had just said. He rasied an eyebrow. "Why on earth would you embrace me?" He asked. I still looked into my lap, but I blushed madly now. I glanced up to him and at the sight of my face, his expression switched from confusion to embarrassment. A small redness spread across his nose and cheeks too. I sighed. "I-I like you Logan." I said quietly. I met his eyes and he bit his lip shyly. "I uh" My breathing was strange and my heart pouded in my chest. "I think I love you."

He smiled at me kindly. "I love you too, Patton." He said. "I have for a long time." I laughed nervously. " You have?" I asked. "Yeah. I have." I glanced down again and smiled. He opened his mouth to say something else but was interrupted. Another wooden chair appeared to the side of me and I turned to face forward again. A snake slithered up the leg of the chair and laid patiently on the back of it. "W-wait." Logan began but was cut off by a portal opening from the ceiling. We both looked at it in awe. All of the sudden someone came through it. It was Roman and he was clutching his stomach, a painful expression on his face. He fell back into the wooden chair before we could warn him and he winced as the snake wound itself tightly around his body.

"Roman!? " I called out. I could see now that blood was dripping from his hands and his white shirt was now primarily red. Logan stared at him in shock and the portal closed.


This is like... the worst thing, just in general.

K bye babes. 🤘👌💜

That's not really him.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora