Is that you?

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(Deceit's perspective.)

I quickly changed into Patton's form and straightend out his blue shirt and gray cardigan. As if on cue Virgil opened his door and walked down the hallway. His hair was tangled and messy and he still wore his black hoodie.

Oh, he was so adorable.

I quickly put my hands behind my back and smiled that goofy smile that usually adorned Patton's face. "Hey, kiddo." I said in a squeaky voice. Virgil looked at me with a strange expression. " Isn't Lo usually up before you?" He questioned.

I quickly thought of an excuse. " Oh he  is sleeping in. " I lied. "He was up all night, reading about something." That seemed sufficient for Virgil, he turned into the kitchen and began search through the cabinets.

I watched him do this, slightly mystifyed by how handsome he looked, even in his moring messiness.
Oh, how I adored Virgil.

He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at it briefly before wondering back to his room, poptart in hand. I watched him leave and as soon as I thought he was gone I started to sink into the floor so I could pay a visit to the other sides in my room. It was hard to get to my room. Only I could enter it unless, you were "invited" by one of my snakes.

It was easy for ME to get there, though. All I had to do was think of all the times that Thomas had ever lied or fibbed or been...  well Deceitfull.
And all though Thomas was convinced he was a "good person", it was easy to think of many of these occurrences.

He was pitiful. Always pretending to be something he wasn't. Once I was rid of the other sides, it would be just me and Virgil controlling  Thomas. And I would finally have the power I deserve.

My consentration was broken because Virgil had poked his head around the corner. I was sucked back onto the hard floor, no longer sinking. Virgil gave me a confused look. " Um, if you're going out, can you get some more poptarts?" He asked, holding up his empty poptarts wrapper.

" Sure, child." I said. " I-I mean kiddo."
Virgil rolled his eyes and walked back down the hall.  I sank into the ground and arrived in my room.

It was much like Virgil's room, but larger. On two chairs in the middle of it, sat Patton and Logan. My snakes coiled around thier bodys and hissed in thier ears. Patton's crying face looked up to me and whimpered. Logan just glared at me.

"Why hello, guests." I said with a smirk. " Feelling comfortable?"
Logan strained  his neck to avoid a snake that was a little to close to his face. " Not in the presence of you." He replied sternly. Patton looked to him and then back at me. " Goodness, Logan. Be kind to a fellow side won't you?" I said feigning hurt. " Fellow side?" He scoffed. " You're nothing but a snake."

Now of course when Logan and Patton resided in my room they were  still working sides, Thomas was still logical and had morals.
They were just trapped, at least until I wanted them to leave.

" A snake?" I laughed. " Well you aren't wrong." Logan scowled at me. I tilted my bowler back farther on my head and Patton looked like he was about to burst with emotion. I realized I had just found myself a new toy.  I had Pattons love interest just dangling in front of him and Logan didn't even know the little childs feelings.

" oh-ho-oh, this is too amusing." I said menacingly. Patton's eyes flickered with fear. I waltzed over to Logan and roughly grabbed his chin. He struggled in his seat and tried to break away from my firm grip.

" What the hell are you doing?" He
Asked angrily. My eyes shifted over to Patton, who had an expression of rage, fear and disgust tattooed on his face. I smirked at him again and laughed sofly. " Just..." I paused. "Testing something."  Staring into Logan's eyes, I mingled with the hair that framed his face, twirling it around in my fingers and and putting it behind his ear. He grunted uncomfortably as I did so. " And what, may I ask, is it that you're testing?"

My eyes flashed yellow. And I sneered at him. "See how I did that?" I asked him. Logan looked at me with confusion. " With my eyes?" I added.
" Y-Yes? What of it?" He asked, still confused. "Well." I continued. " I Do that when ever I'm passionate about something. Such as "spending time" with you two." I said sarcastically. " I'm testing how passionate the other sides have to be about something, in order for there uh, true colors to come through." Logan gave me another puzzled look.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" He asked me with curiosity in his voice. "Like so." I replied. With that I took Logan by the shirt and pressed my lips onto his. I held him against me my body and leaned backwards, pulling him closer to me. His eyes were wide in surprise and he struggled to remove himself from me. But my snakes held tight to him. His face turned deep red in anger.

My eyes were open as I kissed him. I could feel Patton stareing at me in a silent rage. Logan strained to get away from me again but failed. I pulled him into me , this time more vigorously. He wrinkled his nose in disgust. I moved my hands to the sides of his face and pulled at his hair.

Of course I didn't enjoy this encounter,  but it was so fun to play with there minds like this. Logan was so confused, it was hilarious. And Patton?  Oh Patton would be broken.

But I wasn't lieing about testing that out. I often wondered of they did the things that I did. Especially with my eyes. I wanted to learn if this happened to them as well. This was my shot to discover it.

All of the sudden Patton yelled out in gibberish. I pulled away from Logan to look at him. "Uhg! How dare you!" Logan yelled, clearly repulsed. But I wasn't paying attention to him, instead I was watching Patton. I was astonished to see that his once brown eyes were instead a glowing light blue, much like mine. " GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Patton screamed. His voice had a strange echo to it. I backed away from the chair where Logan sat, still amazed. Papers from my shelfs and desks flew around him like they were caught in a tornado as he screamed more gibberish.

Logan was just as shocked as I was. I shielded my eyes from the vicious wind that whipped through the entire room. Bright blue tears came from Patton's eyes. My mouth gapped open as I backed away to see the sort of storm that Patton had created. Blue dust flew around the room. He continued to yell gibberish that I couldn't understand.

Suddenly the wind stopped and Patton's eyes faded from blue back to their natural color of brown. His expression changed from anger to a tiredness. He moaned softly and his head tilted to the side as he faded from consciousness.

Papers still fluttered down from the air as me and Logan looked at each other, both dumbfounded.

"Patton?!" Logan cried out.

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