That brat hates me, right?

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WARNING: Brief mention of self harm towards the end.

( Virgil's perspective)

      Everyone was gone. I was the only one at home. I had NO idea where they had all gone. They were all probably excluding me from something important that was going on in Thomas's life, as usual. It was kind of weird how quite the house was without Roman whining, Logan screaming " FALSEHOOD" and Patton trying to calm everyone down. 

     I walked to the fridge and pulled out a gallon of milk and poured it directly into my mouth. At least Princey wasn't here to tell me " that's disgusting, Virgil." I left the gallon sitting on the counter and wondered into the living room, plopping myself onto the couch and putting my feet onto the coffee table. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through for a while. I checked my socials to see if any of them had posted about there whereabouts, but there was no luck.

    I blew my bangs out of my eyes and put my phone in my pocket. I wasn't worried of course, I could care less where those brats were. But there was no one to bicker with or whine at so it was more then a little boring. Maybe forensic files is on, I thought to myself as I reached for the remote. And then I got that feeling, that weird feeling I got when I knew I wasn't alone. My body tensed and my eyes widened. I stood up like as fast as a bullet and prepared myself to book it into my room, but it was too late. A hand wrapped around my mouth and another around my neck. I pried at the arm that was stiff around my neck and I muffled a scream. " Now, now, Virgil. Do sit down." Deceit whispered sweetly into my ear. I still struggled against his iron grip but it was no use. 

A snake exited his sleeve and wrapped it's huge body around my torso, gluing me in position. Deceit removed his arms from me and slid off the back of the couch. He sat with me on that couch as if he was a lifelong friend of mine. He put his arm around me kindly and smiled evilly. "How are things, old friend?" he asked. " Worse, now that you're here." I snapped back, still fighting against my restraints. " Well goodness me. I thought you could use the company." He scoffed. I sat still for a moment to watch him stand up from the couch. "So." Deceit began. "Where are the others?" He asked with a sneer as he pulled the black gloves he wore farther onto his hands. " Why would I know?" I replied. A bad feeling filled my stomach and Deceits eyes flashed vivid yellow. "Well I would have thought they would have asked you to come if they left some where. But I suppose not."

I looked down at my feet and didn't reply. He sat down on the coffee table in front of me, but I refused to look into his eyes. "Virgil." He sighed. "We were such good friends, before Thomas got his disorder. Don't you remember when we shared a room in the mind place, when he was younger?" I bit my lip in concentration. It was true, Deceit had been my only friend before Thomas found out about his "anxiety disorder." The other sides barely knew about me then. It had been just me and him for so long but after I became a more frequently used side, I started living with the more predominate sides. " Why are you here?" I questioned still looking at the ground and away from his yellowing eyes. " I'm not dumb, you know. You're not here just to say hello. What do you want?" he sighed softly. " I want you." he said in a low voice. I looked up in confusion to see a yellow, glowing tear run down his face. He wiped it away clearly embarrassed. "Virgil." he choked. " I don't like being alone. I want have someone to be with, like in the old days." 

For a moment, I almost felt pity for him. I felt sorry for the thing that had cheated me and lied to my face so many times. What was wrong with me? He winced quietly and rubbed his eyes with his gloved hands. I looked at him sympathetically as he sat with his hat shielding his eyes. All of the sudden the snake around my body that held my arms, slithered from my body back to it's master. " I-I'm sorry, Deceit. I-I always thought that you were fine on your own." I said putting my hand on his slouching shoulder. " Well, I'm not." He whispered with his voice cracking.

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