Chapter 27: Four Blue Eyes.

Start from the beginning

"Well I wanted to call you." He paused as I aww'd and giggled a bit. "I'm wondering why you're up at one in the morning," he shot back in a scolding tone. "Naughty, naughty." I shook my head, forgetting he couldn't see me.

"Well I couldn't sleep," I said, quite truthfully. There were too many things running through my mind for me to even think of falling asleep. "Too much stuff on my mind." There was no point in lying to Liam about being stressed; he knew me too well.

"You wanna talk about it?" he offered. I smiled at his genuine effort.

"I kind of just wanna sleep. Or lie with you," I answered honestly. His light laughter lilted into my ears once again, calming me down. It was almost scary how in love I was with him. I often wondered if he loved me like I loved him. He always claimed to, but it was hard to see him caring that much about me. It was hard to see anyone caring that much about me. "I just want to be with you."

"Aww, sweetie I wish I was with you, too," he cooed. I pictured him holding me in his arms and rubbing my back as I buried my face in his chest. If I closed my eyes, I could almost see it. It was almost enough to calm me down. I just needed him so badly. We talked for a few minutes, his low, quiet voice lulling me into a deeper and deeper sate of calm until I finally fell asleep, my phone right next to my head.

*Julia's P.O.V.*

I sat in my room, pissed at everything. I was pissed at Haley for kissing my boyfriend. I was pissed at Louis for cheating on me with my best friend. I was pissed at Niall for not caring, even though that was a sucky reason and I knew I shouldn't have been mad at Niall. But I was also pissed at myself for planning a date with Todd which, when I thought about it, I realized I really didn't want to go on. I wracked my mind, searching for possible excuses. I could pull a Karen Smith and say I'm sick, I considered, that seems like a good plan. I tried to think of something more original, but came up short. I thought about saying my friend took my phone, but that would be mean and no one's voice is as high as mine, so it was pretty obvious it was me on the phone. I could say it was a dare, but that would be even meaner. I would hate to be asked out on a date because of a dare. I mean, how undesirable would that make you feel? I sighed, still clutching my phone in my hands.

As much as seeing Todd sickened and, quite frankly, scared me, the thought of giving Louis the satisfaction of me not going bothered me. I could just picture him smirking at me, content with the knowledge that I was only in love with him. And, I mean, that was the truth; I was only in love with Louis. I was just mad at him. I stared at my phone screen, Todd's number up on my dial pad. I tapped my foot, debating whether to press call or not. I still didn't know exactly what to say, or how things would go, but I really didn't want to go. Just go with it, I told myself, you survived your week long seventh grade relationship with Sam Palin, you can survive one more date with Todd. I giggled to myself, remembering the disastrous relationship that I still mentally stabbed myself for. I brought myself back to reality, reminding myself about the problem I was currently dealing with. I checked the time and realized Todd would be there in like two minutes. Well, guess I'm going. I sighed, locking my phone and tossing it on my bed as I checked my outfit in the mirror. I had stopped caring, but I still wanted to look presentable, so I was in my skinny gray Abercrombie sweatpants and orange Free People button down sweater. I ran my fingers through my silky light brown hair, a bit vexed with the permanent flip at the bottom. I retrieved my phone from my bed and headed out of my room, searching for Michelle so I could borrow a pair of shoes. Just as I was crossing the hallway, I heard the roar of a motor and the back door slamming shut.

"Louis, what are you doing?" Liam's voice came from down the staircase. Wait, what is he doing? I wondered, my heart catching in my chest. I couldn't imagine an encounter between Louis and Todd going down well. I hurried down the stairs, almost scared to see what was going on.

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