Chapter 12 - Travelling Through The Memory Lane

Start from the beginning

I smiled at him and said

" How can I forget you child I still remember how Ally was clinging to you looking like a lost puppy while you kept pushing her to your brother.

It was really amusing. But I don't see you pushing her now. By the way where is your brother and sister. "

Both of them were blushing. Alex was looking at anywhere but me while Ally just buried her face in his chest. Finally Alex said

" I'm not going to push her away anymore. As for our siblings we have no idea where they would be .

We just became a couple and I wanted to fulfill her wish of coming here when she gets a boyfriend and spend some time with them as a couple.

So that's why we came here early to spend a few hours in the home and I was planning to take sophie with us for the rest of the day. I will bring her back on time"

I beamed at them and said

" sure why not. . Follow me kids .!! Sophie really missed you alot Allison.. I'm really happy you two are here".

We further walked down the halls towards the rooms . I really wish these kids would stay together. I could tell that they are genuinely in love with the other. But I could see the boy hasn't realised it yet . I hope they shine through all difficulties in life.

( the rest in the next chapter. Now let's see what our Daniel and Christina is doing okay)


I somehow managed to knock sense into the girl. I don't know what she would do without me.

When Daniel called me last night about what was happening and I immediately rushed here.

I was driving all night. I drove for nearly seven hours to get here. I am completely exhausted I just wanted to stay home and rest.

Just when I closed my eyes I heard someone ringing the door bell groaning I opened the door to shout at whoever it was only to come face to face with a hyper looking Daniel.

He immediately hugged me when he saw it was me who opened the door. I welcomed the hug and buried my face in his chest savoring the feel of his arms around me for a few minutes before pulling away.

Even though I want to stay in his arms forever I can't do it now especially when he doesn't feel the same way about me. Worst of all when he is in love with my sister.

He was like a kid on a Christmas day . Alex was always the matured one and Daniel well he is more like a grown up kid. I chuckled at the thought and greeted him by saying

" Good morning Dan.. May I know why are you so hyper and what are you doing at my doorstep so early in the morning "

My voice was an mixture of amusement and tiredness. He beamed at me and said

" Ally and Alex is a couple "

It took a moment for the information to sink in me. When it did my eyes widened and my mouth was hanging open.

I expected them to start dating but a couple I didn't expect it to happen so soon. Wait a minute how did he know that. I narrowed my eyes at Daniel and asked

" How did you know that Daniel. As far as I could remember you were supposed to stay home. Did you follow them Daniel Simon Clarke. "

He nervously shifted while scratching the back of his neck with a sheepish smile and said

" oh come on tina !! You know I can't stand suspense right. . I worked too hard to see them as a couple. I deserve to know the results"

I raised an eyebrow at this and said

" you worked hard !!"

He huffed and said

" Alright you worked hard and I helped you. Either way they are together and happy . So it's time to celebrate for our success in match making.

Now I will give you an hour to get dressed in something causal. As those two love birds won't return home Anytime soon.

we are going to enjoy this day together celebrating our victory just the two of us. I will be watching a movie in the living room. Don't make me wait too long tina".

When he said just the two of us I blushed and quickly turned so he wouldn't notice how much his words affected me.

I quickly rushed to my room pretty excited about this celebration with Daniel. Even though it wasn't a date it still made me nervous.

I hope everything works well between us in due time. I consider this as a start to something new in our lives. Maybe I still have a shot with him.

That thought made me giddy inside and I happily searched through my wardrobe for the perfect dress to impress my long time crush. My Daniel.


Thank you guys for visiting my story. . What do you think of Daniel and christina. Let me know your thoughts

Love Valentine♥♥♥♥

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