wowza a lot happens

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Cautiously, she approached the house.

She had no idea what Edward could possibly want from her. Her blood, maybe? That would be shitty.

Dammit, of course he couldn't wait for her to change her clothes. He had to come when she was sopping wet and mourning her boss.

She opened the door, and slowly entered.


She spun around, and her eyes lit up.

"Alice!" she pulled the vampire into a probably cold and unpleasant hug.

Alice pushed her back to arms length.

"Would you care to explain what the hell you were doing jumping off a cliff?"


"I saw a vision, Bella! So answer the question!"

Bella faltered under her stern gaze. "Uh, cliff diving? All the cool kids do it. Yeah, I had a lot of fun. Will probably do it again."

"God help me, are you lying to me?"

"Are you sure you should ask for His help?"

Alice shook her friend. "Why did you try to kill yourself??"

Bella winced. "My, my boss died. Because of Victoria. And I felt bad about it."

Alice sighed and pulled her back in for a hug. "I'm sorry, Bella. That must have been awful." she released the hug, and gave her friend a once over. "Here, I'll make you some tea, and you go change."

Eagerly, Bella did as she said, and soon she was seated on the couch in a white band tee, sweats, and the fuzziest socks she owned.

A blanket was wrapped around her shoulders, and she took small sips from her steaming mug.

"You are- so incredibly stupid." Alice scolded. "Jumping off a cliff like that. I can't believe you! You are such a lovely girl, and you have so much to live for! The world would be so dark without you."

Bella flushed. "Stop it, that's not true. I have, like, two friends. The world would be just fine without me."

Alice gave her light tap on the cheek. "Wrong. Very wrong."

Bella giggled. "Okay, okay." She sobered as a dark thought came over her. "Does- did you tell him?"

Alice hesitated. "No, no I didn't. He doesn't- we don't really know where he is? He calls in every now and then, but that's it. He's, uh, he's taking some alone time."

Bella ducked her head. Shit. Was she supposed to feel happy about that? Guilty? She wasn't sure.

"Ugh, Bella, what is that smell? It's like, wet dog?" she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Bella straightened up. "Oh, ha, that must be Jacob. Well, Jacob's smell on me."


"My, um, werewolf friend."

Alice gave her a disapproving look. "Bella, I'm not sure that a, uh, werewolf is the best company to keep-"

"I don't think I'm that bad."

"Jacob?" Bella watched him walk in from the kitchen. "Wait, did you break in through the backdoor?"

His cheeks darkened, but his face remained stoic. "Maybe."


"Look, I'm sorry. I got worried. The Cullen's- I know how much they've hurt you. I didn't want you facing that on your own."

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