Short but that's okay

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"Dad! It's not a bear!" she burst into the kitchen.

He was sitting at the table, with his friend Harry.

"What are you talking about?" he looked up from his coffee.

"I was in the woods, and I saw-"

"Whoa, wait." his gaze turned stern. "What were you doing in the woods?"

"Hiking, that's not what's important. Dad, it's not a bear in the woods, it's a bunch of wolves! Like, stupidly fucking huge wolves!"

"Are you sure about that Bella?" Harry asked.

"Yeah! I just saw them, like, two seconds ago! They were hunting- something."

Harry cleared his throat.

"Wolves? You're sure?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, dad, I'm sure."

He sighed. "Alright, I believe you. Feel like going hunting, Harry? Think you can get some guys together."

Harry nodded, oddly stiff. "Yeah, sure, I'll just. Go do that..." he walked away.

Charlie tapped his mug against the table lightly. "Well, I better go to the station. So just, stay here? Please?"

"Yeah, of course." she gave him a quick side hug as he left.

She took a seat at the table, and thought about what had just happened.

She figured it was safe to guess the wolves were dead. Hopefully that didn't mean she'd just sent her father on a wild goose chase, but it would at least solve the dead hiker problem.

Of course, it brought a new problem for her. If Laurent did kill them, and she was sure he had, he would have run straight to Victoria, and told her she was unprotected. Fuck. She was right fucked, now.

She slumped face first into the table.

How was she going to get out of this one?

That night, she did her best to sleep early.

She was failing miserably, but she was doing her best.

Her efforts were interrupted by a soft clattering against her window.

Grumbling, she went to yell at whatever bird was attacking her.

Except, it wasn't a bird.

"Bella!" Jacob called up at her, shirtless, as apparently was his go to nowadays. Lucky for him, the bastard had good abs.

"What do you want, asshole?" she slid up the frame.

"Back up, I'm coming in."

Reluctantly, she did.

She didn't see how he got up, but in mere seconds he was swinging into her room which. Wow. If he wasn't being a dick, that would've been really cool.

Dimly, she realized her forgiving mood from the woods was gone, and now she was just mad.


They stood before each other.

"Hey." he had his hands on his waist.

She nodded and crossed her arms.

"Look, Bella, I'm sorry, I am-" he went to move closer, but she kept him away with a closed fist.

She took a deep breath. "For what?"

He made a face. "I can't say. Literally." he moved around her, and looked at her bed.

They stood in silence for a bit.

"You ever had a secret? A big one, that you couldn't tell anyone, because it wasn't yours to share?" he sat on her bed. "Because that's what I'm going through, right now. You- you don't know how tightly they have me bound."

Bella tried to stand her ground, but she cracked.

"I fucking hate this." she moved forward and cupped his cheek. "Whatever they've done to you, it's bullshit."

He sighed, and pulled her arm down. He froze while staring at her wrist.

At her scar from James. Shit.

"The worst part is, you already know!" he shot off the bed. Now it was his turn to be mad.


He ran his fingers through his hair. "Do you remember? When we walked down the beach, at La Push?"

Bella nodded. "You told me the legend, about the cold ones."

He scoffed. "Yeah, no surprise that's what you remember." he ducked around her again, back to the window.

"Jake, there's got to be something you can do. Some way to get out of, whatever the hell this is."

He shook his head. "I'm in it for life, Bell. This is it for me."

Bella groaned and rubbed her forehead. "What- what if we left? For a while?"


"What if we just, you know, took a vacation. Take the truck, or Samantha, and get away."

For a moment, she saw hope in his eyes. It was quickly gone.

"We can't, Bella. You can't leave Charlie, or your job, and I can't leave my family."

"Or Willis?"

He actually smiled. "I could never leave Willis."

She sighed. "Yeah, me neither. I miss him."

"He misses you."

"I bet."

Jacob moved forward suddenly, and offered his hand. Bella, though surprised, took it.

"I can't run from this, but I would, for you."

She dipped her head.

He gave her hand a tight squeeze. "I have to go, before they start looking for me."

Grinding her teeth, she pulled him into a hug. "This is horseshit, Jacob Black."

He buried his head deeper into her shoulder. "Promise you'll try to remember the rest of the legend?"

She nodded fiercely. "I'm gonna figure this out, promise."

"Thank you." he pulled away. "Good bye, Bella."

"See you," she waved sadly.

He returned to the open window, and leaped out.

"Jake!" she dashed over, but he landed safely, and ran into the woods.

She slumped back onto her bed. She was going to figure out what was going on with him, no matter what.

And then she was going to beat the shit out of Sam for whatever the fuck he dragged Jacob into. 

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