Hello Werewolf Angst

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She had to go to work after she dropped off the bike and Jacob, which she honestly wasn't mad about.

She need some good Martha advice.

"I say just go for it, girly." Martha looked up from the counter she was scrubbing. "They know you were going through a lot, and needed some time. With how eager you said they were at first, I'm sure they'll be all over you again."

Bella wrinkled her nose. "I hope not. I just, want to do something normal."

"Movies are a good place to start." she nodded her approval. "You missed a pot, dear."

"Oh, oops." Bella maneuvered the watering can she was holding to water the neglected flower. "You really think it'll go okay?"

Martha planted a hand on her hip. "Are you calling me a liar, Miss Swan?"

Bella smiled and ducked behind her hair. "Course not."

"Good." she softened. "Have faith, Bella. Everything will go fine."

"Thanks, Martha," Bella said earnestly. "Alright, I just gotta water the pots over there-" as she took a step, she slipped on a teeny tiny bit of water she'd spilled, and fell flat on her ass.

"Mercy, Bella!" Martha darted over to her. "First the concussion, now a broken tailbone!"

"Ouch," she rubbed her behind. "I'm fine Martha, really. Also, I don't have a concussion. Haven't had a headache all day, and haven't felt dizzy once."

Martha tutted. "That's not true, Missy. You could very well be dying of internal bleeding in your brain."

Bela winced. "Uh, okay, enough of the graphic details. I'm fine, promise."

"Hmph," Martha scowled at her. "If you're so fine, then you can carry in the twenty bags of fertilizer we just got."

Bella sighed. "Sure, I'll do that after I water the plants."

Alright, it was time to set her plan in motion. There was an action movie playing at eight that night. All she had to do was casually sit at their table, for the first time in months, and ask if anyone wanted to see it with her. Easy peasy.

Taking a deep breath, Bella approached her old table.

"I'm not lying, I saw something in those woods." she overheard Angela say.

"No no, I believe you, baby." Eric said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious! I saw something in those woods. It was big, black, and hairy. Maybe it was a bear, or something."

"Yah huh, sure." Mike scoffed. "Or maybe it was an alien."

"Guys, knock it off. You know the woods can play tricks on your eyes, don't make fun of her." Jessica made a weak attempt to stand up for her friend.

Bella didn't see why they weren't taking her seriously. First of all, bears in the woods? Not that uncommon. Second of all,

"You're not the only one," Bella defended Angela as she took a seat. "My dad, down at the station, has been getting similar reports. Whatever it is, it's killed five hikers."

"Oh, interesting." Angela glared at Eric.

Realizing the trouble he was in, he began to laugh. "Next time, y'all better take my girlfriend seriously."

Bella shook her head. Eric was certainly a character. A boring, annoying character, but hey, so was she.

"So, uh," Mike cleared his throat, and Bella turned to face him. "You're, um, back?"

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