Oh Hi Jacob How Are You

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When she showed Charlie the newly bought artwork, he'd made a pitiful whining noise and said: "Please, anywhere but the living room."

She'd agreed, and hung it up in her room. It replaced pictures she'd taken of her and Edward on the wall across from her bed. She couldn't bring herself to throw them out, could barely stand the thought, really. But, she did find some peace in removing them from her wall. The room felt lighter without his gaze piercing every corner.

She placed them gently in a drawer, and gave them one last look before closing it.

He'd come back. If he wanted her, he'd come back.

And if he didn't?

Well, then there wasn't much of a point in moaning over him all the time. Right?

It sounded right, but it didn't feel right. Hopefully, that would come in time.

Until then, she'd focus on the little things.

Like getting that fucking motorcycle.

Charlie had offered to pay for it when he found out.

"I really don't mind, Bell." he'd insisted. "I know you want it, and that you'll use it."

But she had declined. "Thanks, Dad, but I want to do this. It's, it's important to me."

He'd relented, and she spent the next few weeks saving up. She did notice the occasional extra twenty dollars added to her bank account, but let it slide. Charlie was just trying to help, and she couldn't really say no to the extra cash. She spent it on food, not the bike, but she appreciated it nonetheless.

Finally, finally, she could get the bike. She not so discreetly flipped the grumpy old dump man off after it was loaded into her car, and sped off.

Now, how to fix it?

Shit. Fuck. Shitting fuck.

That was something she should have thought of before. Dammit.

Come on, she had to have a plan! Some kind of idea!

With a frustrated groan, she realized she did not.

She didn't feel like dwelling on this while wasting gas, so she pulled into a diners parking lot.

After finding a seat and ordering a croissant (her appetite hadn't returned in full, but she didn't mind eating a few times a day now) she let herself focus on her situation.

She couldn't take it to a mechanic. Besides the obvious fact that she would become very poor, very quickly, the idea rubbed her the wrong way. She wanted to fix up the bike. Not alone, duh, but she did want to help in more ways than emptying her bank account.

So, who to talk to then?

"Hey, Sandy. Could I get a blueberry muffin for the road?"

"Sure thing, sugar."

That voice. Bella knew that voice!

She whipped her head up, and there he was. Jacob Black, in all his long haired glory.

Of course. She was an idiot. She had a mechanic friend!

Well, hopefully she had a mechanic friend. She'd been avoiding him just as much as everyone else. But, maybe he would forgive her? Especially if she proposed a project that had them spending a lot of time together?

The idea warmed her. Jacob had always been a good friend, one she never really got as close to as she should have. Maybe, maybe this was her chance to fix that.

Fuck, she hoped so. Of all the people she wanted to befriend again, he was at the top of the list.

Muffin in hand, Jacob turned towards her to leave.

With a squeak, she hid behind her booth. Okay, clearly she still had to work up her courage. Maybe after a pep talk from Martha, she'd be ready?

Well, it took three pep talks, and two what Martha referred to as """anxiety attacks""", but she finally brought herself to drive to Jacobs house with the bike.

She sat in her truck for a few minutes, taking deep breaths and telling herself everything would be fine, before she opened the door and stepped onto his uneven driveway.

Bella scowled at it, knowing it was waiting for just the right moment to trip her clumsy ass and ruin everything.

She, carefully, walked up it, and towards the open garage.

"Jacob? You here?"

"Bella?" his muffled voice called out, and, to her surprise, he came out the front door of the house.

"Bella!" he grinned at her and ran for a hug.

"Hey!" she laughed and eagerly returned it.

Damn, Jacob gave good hugs. He just pulled her in and squished her, and she greatly appreciated the weighted feeling it gave her.

Also he smelled like pine trees and the forest but that was whatever haha.

He pulled back. "Dude! It's been like, forever! How are you?"

"I'm alright," she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I just, needed some time to think, I guess. But! I'm back, and I have a project for us."

"Oh?" he arched a thick brow. "And what is this project?"

"Come here, I'll show you."

She pulled on his hoodies sleeve and led him to the back of her truck.


"Ready Freddy."

Bella rolled her eyes, and pulled the tarp off the bike.

Jacob whistled. "Damn, where'd you get that?"

"Scrap yard." Bella beamed. "It's trashed to shit, but I don't mind a challenge if you don't."

"You wanna fix her up?" Jacob looked skeptical.

"Do you not want to?" she faltered. Shit. He didn't want to do this. She was so stupid, she should have known-

"Of course I want to," Jacob scoffed. "I've been looking for a big project like this to work on. I'm just surprised you want to, I guess. Never thought you were the mechanic type."

"I'm not," she admitted with a shrug, "but for my baby, I want to be."

Jacob smiled. "Aw, Bella, congrats. Who's the father?"

She groaned and threw her head back while he laughed.

"That was lame."

"Maybe so," he quirked his mouth up at her. "Here, I'll bring it into the garage."

"Okay, but be careful, it's-" Jacob picked it up with one hand and dropped it to the ground gently, "-heavy."

Jacob froze for a second, then gave her another smile. "I've been working out."

"I can see that," she stared at the bike. "Uh, lets get it into the garage, then."

Jacob walked ahead of her, guiding it via the steering wheels. She hung back.

That kind of strength was... weird. Eerily similar weird. It almost reminded her of a certain family...

But that was impossible. Jacob wasn't a- a vampire. He was normal. Her normal, human, good friend.

Nothing else. 

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