Chapter 2. Organizing & Time.

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This asshole of Namjoon. He thinks he is all that... I expected better from him, from all of them! Idiots.

15 Minutes Later...

"Hey, Min."
I don't turn around...
"Hey, Min."
I walk outside.
"Hey! Min! Are you fucking deaf!?"
I stop.
I reach in my trench coat pocket.
"I was going to beat the shit out of you."
I turn around.
"What are you doing? You're weird."
I walk.
"Ah, so you want to fight!? Alright, square up!"
I pull my hand out of my coat.
"Hey! Woah! Dude, it was uh- just a joke!"
I grab his arm and pull him.
"Hey! Please! I'm sorry!"
We go to the janitors closet, the one they never use.
"No, forgive me!"
And we enter.
Only I leave.
I put it away.
I lock the door.
I continue walking.
"Hey, did you hear about the party!?"
"I'm going to look so cute at the party!"
"He's even going to the party!"
"Can't wait for the party!!"
Is talking about a party...
I need to go... I feel lonely... I miss those idiots.
"What party?"
I ask.
"Oh, It's Yoongi!"
"Just tell him!"
"He'll kill us, tell him!"
The group yelled, sounded like they feared me... why? I'm- friendly? Right?
"Uh... at Woo-Songs place!"
The girl stuttered.
I added.
"What!? Uh, I don't know! I was going to ask Woo-Song!"
She yelled in fright.
"Where is- uh..."
  I stopped to think... who is Woo-Song? Is he a douche bag like Jimin or Namjoon?
"Who is-"
No, I can't ask about who Woo-Song is... I should just ask where he is.
"Where is he?"
I scratched the back of my neck.
She points to the guy next to Namjoon. Those buffoons! How am I supposed to know about the party if I scolded Namjoon in front of him!
"Is everyone invited?"
I turn to the group.
"Mhm, I just need to figure out the address so that we can go!"
She declared. Her group walked away and I had to think on my feet before class started, at least I'm smarter than them.
"Hey, Namjoon."
I walk up to them. Namjoon ignores me, and I get a bit irritated. I think I know what to do...
"Hey, Namjoon! Your boyfriend wa-"
I get interrupted, I laughed inside...
"W-What!? Don't- No! I don't- I promise- I'm- Yoongi shut up!"
I smirked at him as he yelled at me.
"Hey, you actually tricked me! I thought because you were Eun-Bin's guy and you dated all those girls that-"
Woo-Song tries to add but obviously he felt uncomfortable.
"Oh! Sorry, did he not know?"
I comment with a bit of sarcasm.
Namjoon storms off towards the mens room. I think of my plan as perfect.
"So... about that party?"
I go up to Woo-Song and question him.

Not my kind of party at all, he told me to dress a certain way, and I quote! "Dress like you want some from some

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Not my kind of party at all, he told me to dress a certain way, and I quote!
"Dress like you want some from some..."
What does that mean? Well, I have something I guess...


  "So then I said, 'what the dork!?' and everyone punched their knee!"
What? I know that punch line better!
"No, it was a knee SLAPPER. Get your facts Ryuji! Bad PUNCH line!"
  Everyone laughed at my joke instead of Kunn Ryuji's joke. It felt good! Can't wait to tell a lot of jokes at the E.O.T.Y* celebration party!
  I asked my long time crush, Kye Sook, if she would be my friend date to the party. She said yes and I'm excited! I even heard you can rent a room... sorry, I went to far.
"Hey, Jinnie! I heard you laughing, what was the joke?"
  She came up behind me and hugged me. We're close friends starting from middle school but when Namjoon left me, I hung out more with Sook. She likes my laugh and sense of humor.
E.O.T.Y = End Of The Year*
"Huh? Oh yeah, it was a knee slapper with a good punch line!"
   Everyone laughed and Sook smiled.
I think she might like me! If she wasn't dating Woo-Song...
I walked outside past the old tree and,
"Woo-Songs party is on- uh?"
I heard someone talking about the party and pulled out my phone to record.
"Saturday, 6:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M."
"Oh cool, uh, wait where is it?"
"His house, on N. Ave. you'll know the house. It's big and it'll have big lights!"
N. Ave? That's Namjoon and Sook's street! They're all rich! How do they do it?
"Everyone is invited!"
What?! Really!? Good! I'll wear something to impress Sook out of all the other guy's including her boyfriend!
"Hey, Sook! Are you going to Woo-Songs party?"
She definitely will! I mean she lives on the street and thats her boyfriend so?
She responded while she fixed her makeup. Why not? I don't know? Maybe they broke up! That would be great for me!
"Why not? You're dating him."
I insisted on knowing.
"Well, because there are 4 Woo-Songs at this school. Kim Woo-Song, Chan Woo-Song, the female Lee Woo-Song, and the party boy Hwang Woo-Song."
She closed her hand mirror and looked me in the eye.
"You've met Kim Woo-Song before! Unless you convince him to go, I'm staying home!"
She yelled and stormed off. Maybe they fought about it? But... its Wednesday! How will I convince the man in 2 1/2 days?! Damn you Woo-Songs!
"Hey! Do you know where Kim Woo-Song is?"
I asked everyone in the courtyard. Eventually it was Thursday. I can't find him. It's 6th period. I'm done for!


   I don't think I want Taehyung to go to Woo-Songs party.
"Hey! Moron!"
I shouted.
"Y-Yes, I'm sorry?"
Taehyung stuttered, he looks stupid when he's shy.
"I told you to stop stuttering! Go get me my coke, and tell Woo-Song you're not going to his party!"
I crossed my arms and walked away, the look on that hopeless moron was funny. Damn, I wish I knew where he lived so I can blackmail him! I could demand him to tell me, or I can follow him. He's my favorite victim! Oh and there is Hoseok! He smiles to much.
"Yo! Hoseok! Stop smiling you look like an ass."
I chided and smirked.
"Oh and you look no different with that cheeky smirk, Jimin."
He replied thinking he was funny or some shit.
"Yeah? How about I knock your ugly ass smile off?"
I snarked at him putting my hands to an inner boxer position.
"Hm, yeah. Go for it."
He walked off! What an ass!
"You asked for it."
I muttered and ran up to him.
"No. You asked for it, I simply added sarcasm."
He says as he keeps walking with that smug little group of ugly ass friends.
I responded as I punched his shoulder.
"Hey Jimin. How about we don't do that?"
He suggested and shrugged as he turned around. He thinks he is all that. Pfft.
"How about... No!"
  I kicked him, throwing in a jab. He coughed and his friends stood behind him. He wiped the spit off his face and stood still blocking his face.
"Move! Fight me you wussy!"
  I shouted while throwing him to the ground, I stomped on his head ande he bled a lot... why didn't he move his arms?!
"Go... To... Hell!"
I yelled as I picked him up and threw him against the wall.
"Fight me!"
I demanded him to put up a fight! He is making me look weak! I kneed him in stomach and repeatedly punch him until he passed out.
"You snitch. You'll end up with him."
I dragged him to the parking lot and dropped him in the middle of the lot.
"Useless bastard made me lose my badass image!"
I murmured and kicked his side.
No one will fear me now! What the fuck!
After school I headed to the mall to grab good clothing. I finished buying my clothing and walked over to some small shops. There are a pair of sunglasses I really like but... I spent all of my money on the clothing... I pretended to look around the display.

"Are you interested in buying anything Sir?"The man who owned the shop asked as he walked up to me

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"Are you interested in buying anything Sir?"
The man who owned the shop asked as he walked up to me.
I pretended to think.
"Perhaps. I don't think most things suit me."
I stated still looking around.
"Oh! Okay, well we do have some thing I think would suit you. I'll go grab it!"
He said as he ran off and looked behind the counter. I was out of sight, perfect time...
"No, no. Sir, I think I'll come back."
I announced, he turned and looked at me with a smile.
"Okay, anytime. Have a sunny day."
I walked out and walked to the mens room.
"Wow, almost as gullible as that doofus SeokJin. Unbelievable!"
I mocked that idiot and laughed. I took the sunglasses out of my shopping bag from earlier and put them on.
"You look cool."
Huh? I looked in the reflection and turned around.
He added, he leaned against a stall near the door.
"Ugh. You're fucking bullshit, I don't think you know Jeongguk."
I hissed and walked towards the door.
"How could I not? You remind me everyday."
He said as I walked out. I'm going out of town to shop from now on, disgusting...

Friday Before Class...


Jimin pushed me to the ground and kicked me, he laughed and walked away.
"Stay down, it's where you belong shit face."
He shouted as he walked away with his group of assholes.
"Sheesh, all I did was compliment your sunglasses..."
I muttered... I guess I shouldn't go to the party, I don't want my face busted into the floor.
"Hi, I'm Kye Sook! What's wrong? Was it Jimin and his crew?"
A girl offered her hand. She helped me up and I smiled.
"I'm Jung Hoseok. What year are you in?"
I greeted her with a handshake.
"I'm in 2nd year Hoseok. I haven't seen you around so I assume... 1st year?"
Sook guessed, she is so beautiful. I think she's friends with SeokJin... I nodded and we walked around campus talking before the bell rang.
"Oh! I'll see you at the party?"
She added before she ran off.
"Yeah. Of course!"
I shouted out to her. I have an outfit I think... Can't wait for tomorrow.

NOTE: The party will be in distortion according to the 7 boys. You have to go along with the boys and piece together the events from the party... don't kill me I just want to add suspense and make it a bit more enjoyable!

More In Chapter 3

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