Chapter 1. Talk About News.

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Note: I LOVE Bts and this story, I swear isn't attacking any members or making a personal matter of things. It's just a story and a fanfic! Please, I'm not throwing shade to anyone or anything! I promise, enjoy!


I sat down, I wanted to cry and run out of the room when I saw my desk but decided it's best to keep my head in my arms so I don't seem weak... I studied so hard for the end of the year test. I just hope it was worth it.
"Hey, Kim!"
Damn, it's him again...
"H-Hello, Jimin."
I responded scared he might kick me out of my chair or beat me up.
"Where's my Coke?"
I had forgotten that I needed to buy him a Coke on the way to school... I was in such a rush but, he can have mine. I reached in my bag and pulled out my coke.
I got confused and scared at his angry response...
"That shit is diet! Are you trying to say something?! Let's fight you asshole!"
He got in a boxing pose and kept yelling at me, the class gathered around us and I could see the teacher, he didn't care about me either... I felt useless, I didn't buy the coke my mom did and now I don't know what to do...
Should I stand up? No, he will think I want to fight... if I don't stand it will seem as if I am ignoring him... what do I do?!
I fainted and I could hear people laughing at me and yelling at me, calling me names, insulting me, I want to die...


I walked into class and everyone started crowding up at a desk and I saw Jimin in a fighting pose, I walked over and saw that Taehyung was sitting at his desk with a frightened and sad look on his face. Pity, I felt pity. Does that make me a bad person? I hope not.
"Hey! Everyone back away!"
People turned to look at me and some backed off, I'm known to beat the shit out of bullies. Actually... now that I think of it I don't think Taehyung has ever cussed or done anything bad, why would Jimin be such a dick!?
"Fuck off Jeon."
Jimin said without turning to look at me. He sounded pissed, but do I care? No!
"Haha! Please Jimin, I couldn't care less about what you tell me or anyone else to do."
I looked at Taehyung again and he was passed out. I push every one out of the way and Jimin starts yelling at my as I kneel and try to wake Taehyung.
"Hey, Taehyung? Kid? Are you okay?"
He didn't wake up. Maybe a state of shock? I picked him up cradling his head and legs in my arms.
"Ew, you really wanna touch that kid?"
Jimin yelled in disgust, the other kids laughed. I turned,
"Does that interest you? And you guys, shut the fuck up before you end up dead."
The classroom got silent and the teacher crossed his arms and began his lecture, I walked out of class and carried him through the halls.
What dick heads. Jimin has problems, Taehyung. I'm sorry dude.
I approached the nurses office and opened the door.
"Hello! I'm the nurse, Ms. Hye! How do you feel?"
The nurse said enthusiastically, her mood changed when she saw me carrying Taehyung.
"Oh, my! What happened?"
I didn't want to tell her but she didn't need an explanation,
"Oh, does he have extra clothing? I think Jimin really scared him this time if I'm correct."
She said in a completely different mood from when I opened the door.
"Huh? Yeah you're right but what do you mean?"
I was confused, clothes? I looked down at him and he, wet himself...
Poor kid! He was so fucking scared- Jimin will die! How could he do that shit!?
"I... didn't notice."
I layed him down and put a blanket on him, I had my gym pants so I put those beside him and the nurse said I could wait till he woke up to go to class. I waited 30 minutes before he woke up.
"I'm sorry! I didn't-"
He yelled still in fear.
"Jimin is in class, you're in the nurses office."
I reassured him. He took a deep breath and asked to use the bathroom, I pointed to my gym pants and he looked embarrassed. He walked into the nurses bathroom and she whispered,
"You two sound like siblings. Do you have Mr. Han?"
"Uh, yeah for fourth period. Why?"
I avoided the sibling part.
"Ah, well... he is my brother-in-law but he has a twin and my sister can't tell the difference so she married "both". I heard his twin teaches every other of the classes he has. How shameful."
She chuckled and sighed.
"I'm heading to the restroom down the hall, you're a school role-model so I'm trusting you will go to class after he finishes up?"
She grabbed her cellphone and looked me in the eye.
"Yes, ma'am!"
I responded.
15 minutes had passed and no one was back from the bathroom so I knocked and murmured,
"Taehyung? Are you okay, kid?"
I heard crying and I knocked again.
"Hey? Do you feel okay?"
He was crying and you could tell he was trying to hide it... I opened the door cautiously and saw that he was leaning on the wall and sitting on the floor. He still hadn't changed, well he wasn't wearing pants to say the least.
"Oh, uhm, sorry."
I said, stuttering while closing the door slowly in embarrassment.
"No, please. I need help."
His voice broke and he sounded as he was going to cry again.
"I can't help you with your pants buddy, thats on you..."
I tried to lighten the mood but comfort him even though I felt in an awkward position. I only closed the door half way...
"No, with a decision."
He explained in a bit of anger
"Oh? How so?"
"Honest opinion... do you think I'm useless?"
I was shocked he would say such a thing.
"No. Honest to god, no."
He laughed and sarcastically added,
"Mhm, yeah. 'Course you would say that."

2 Days Later

Me and Taehyung hung out a bit and it was 3 days to friday, the last day of school. Me and Tae got closer, we are really good friends now.

Gym Class, 5th period


I have gym class with my best friend, Hwang Woo-Song. I call him Song,
"Hey, Song! Did you see Eun-Bin?"
I laughed as I changed into my gym uniform.
"Yeah, and Shin-Jee was pretty nice too!"
He yelled across the locker room.
"Out! You had 6 minutes! Out out out!"
Mr. Park yelled out. I fist bumped Song and we walked out to the track.
"Joon! I missed you, why don't you answer the phone?"
Eun-Bin pouts and grab my arm.
"Sorry Eun-Bin, I was busy."
I replied as I adjusted my sunglasses.
"Oooh!  Shin-Jee! Yung! Come!"
Eun-Bin yells out calling her friends over. They run over giggling and when the walk beside us they twirled their hair.
"Joon, tell them how busy you were! You know I love a busy babe!"
Eun-Bin smirks and tugs my sweat shirt.
"Uh, K? So I was uhh..."
I say thinking of an excuse when the girls interrupted me to reply,
"Ahh, so cool! Ooh! What else!?"
I looked at them with a confused face, but their air heads so I just smiled & winked,
They were in awe and started saying random things. I put in my air pods to listen to BeeTeeSss and I said no to everything they guessed. I was just working out yesterday before going out with Lee Soomi to the movie theater.
"Nope, went to the movies."
I responded.
"Aww, baby! Why didn't you take me?! Ugh, so mean!"
She yells out and then giggles, she whispers to her friends before they run towards a teacher-sight-free zone by a tree while they start smoking and scrolling on their phones.
"How many times?"
Song asked.
"Yeah. While dating Eun-Bin did you go out with her friends?"
He nudged me.
"Well, more girls than you've ever had!"
I whisper loudly and laugh.
"Yo, so I'm throwing this cool end of the year party! Everyone is invited and you can rent a room for you & Eun-Bin for the low price of $15! Lose your virginity dude!"
He ignored me and started talking about his party.
I mean... Song is right. When will me and Eun-Bin finally get together? She is a slut but she belongs to me. I wondered deep into my thoughts and by the time we were supposed to head to the locker room I found my self texting Eun-Bin. I ran towards the locker room and read the messages I sent. "Hey, Lets Go To the party            this Saturday?"
"Hm? Is it Song's party?"
"Yeah. Why? Is there and issue with Song?"
   Hm. Well it was mostly party talk. I changed and headed to lunch. I saw Jimin punching Taehyung, SeokJin laughing with a group of dorks, Yoongi was sitting in a chair... in the corner? Weirdo pfft, Hoseok looking out the window while smiling and pointing to something out side like a freak, and Jeongguk-... where is he? I usually see him hanging out with the teachers. He's probably studying, hah! Dork.
What? Who was that? I turn around and see,
"Yoongi? Huh, haven't heard your voice since kinder. You're still the same old lame fuck as before. Am I right?"
I mocked him and grinned.
He looked like a stone, no emotion. As always. He seems pathetic, but I don't remember him too well. What do I care? Hah.
"Mm, yes. I am a stone. I just want you to know that Jeongguk is not a dork. Jimin and Taehyung are just not as pathetic as you. Jin's friends are none of your business. Hoseok can be happy if he wants. And you, are ass."
He looked again with no emotion, his voice had no tone... how did he know what I was thinking?
"Pfft! Who says?"
I respond trying not to seem weirded out.
"Me. You. I am not weird. You can go bang Eun-Bin for the first time if you'd like, I mean you think about it enough so... why not?"
He is still dead! What the fuck is wrong with him? I turn to Song and he is just staring. Emotionless like this fuck. Does this weird ass have hypnosis powers?!


This asshole of Namjoon. He thinks he is all that... I expected better from him, from all of them! Idiots.

More In Chapter 2

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