12 ~ Smile

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You sighed and watched from the lake as mark was being confronted by jisung, another three days had passed. 

"leave me alone jisung" mark spat out angrily. 

Jisung was desperately trying to talk to mark about his strange behavior and about how he hardly slept. 

"mark you can talk to me, I can ask y/n to help you with your problem" jisung was pleading with mark to simply talk to him and you felt your heart shatter. He still thought you were some sort of guardian angel but in reality you were the cause of mark suffering. 

"she can't help with anything. She left jisung, accept that" mark was still yelling and you could see the bags under his eyes. His face was pale as well, he looked absolutely exhausted. You knew mark and haechan both looked this way since they haven't been sleeping the past couple of days because of the nightmares. 

Jisung tried to reach for marks arm but mark simply pushed jisung to the ground in anger. Jisung fell down and landed on his wrist, you shot up from your spot when you heard jisung scream painfully. Marks eyes widened when he realized what he had done.

You felt your heart race and your wings flap, jisung was hurt. You saw the others approach them, you noticed johnny standing there and you wanted him to heal poor jisung. You watched as he stood there and knew he couldn't, well at least not with the others watching so you did it.

You froze time "y/n" jaehyun yelled out while looking around the area to see if you were there. You felt a sharp stab in you heart watching jaehyun frantically looking for you. Johnny stood still and you yelled into the image in the lake "heal him" johnny froze as he heard your voice and so did the others. 

Ten frantically started looked around like jaehyun once he heard your voice "y-y/n, come back" he said softly and you felt your heart constrict. You could only hold time this far away for so long.

"I'll heal him once you ask me to, face to face" johnny said but you could see him comforting ten who was teary eyed. You wondered why he was almost crying, had he grown attached to you as well. 

Jisungs scream of pain kept playing in your head and you felt your large wings spread behind you. 

You had grown attached to everyone and there was no denying it. You didn't want your friends to hurt any longer. So you felt a rush of determination and you slowly looked at the lake once more surprised to see purple eyes staring back at you. They were back, and for some reason it was comforting not seeing the normal red eyes of an angel of death staring back at you. You quickly flew away from the lake headed to your friends. 


You appeared outside of the school slowly looking at your friends. Ten's eyes slowly widened when he saw you. You watched as a sparkle lit up in his eyes and he ran towards you at full speed. You felt your heart ache while you realized how much you missed everyone. You looked over at everyone and you approached johnny.

"please, heal him" you asked and johnny face was stone cold. Normally he was smiling towards you before you left but you knew why he was being cold. He probably knew what you had been doing "I'm healing him, but not for you" you knew he would help jisung anyways but he was trying to get you here.

"y/n" jaehyun said in a soft voice and you looked over at him. Your heart was still beating like crazy, you simply looked at the ground and time continued. You felt panicked realizing you could not hold time any longer but you noticed jisung was healed and johnny had finished. You were relieved he was alright. 

The humans could not see you.

"are you okay jisung, I'm sorry" mark was checking to make sure jisung wasn't hurt. 

You watched as jisung looked at his wrist curiously, then johnny glared in your direction and approached you. 

"I know what you are doing" he whispered at you.

"you are making them have nightmares, that's low even for an angel of death. I guess I wasn't wrong about your kind" you froze. He was right, you weren't proud about what you did. 

"back off johnny" jaehyun whispered aggressively at johnny and you pushed the familiar warm feeling away when you heard jaehyun speak. Johnny was clearly angry, you could tell when you looked at him again to see bright blue eyes glaring back at you.

"it must be y/n, she healed my hand. She is my guardian angel after all" jisung was smiling and mark looked at him even more worried "jisung did you hit your head or something"

"oh um never mind" jisung said quickly sounding slightly panicked about what he said. Johnny's eyes widened and he scuffed after hearing jisung call you his guardian angel. You noticed the sparkle in jisungs eyes and everything came crashing down, your wings dropped behind you.

You couldn't do this, you couldn't. 

You slowly backed away and ten tried to grab your wrist but went through, after all ten was currently 'human'.

"enough y/n. You aren't leaving again" ten voice pleaded. The other humans were crowded around jisung while everyone who wasn't human was staring at you.

You missed them, you really shouldn't but you did. The look on their faces, the look like they wanted you to stay was slowly breaking you down. So you waved your hand across your wrist as the familiar bracelet appeared and tens eyes widened in surprise. Then you did something you never through you would do, you hugged ten. 

"I missed all of you, I'm so sorry" your voice was cracking and ten hugged you tightly back. 

"don't ever leave like that again" you could hear ten sniffling, he was crying. You gently rubbed his back "I won't, I promise "

Then you backed away from the hug and jisung noticed you "Y/N, I KNEW YOU WOULD COME BACK". He ran over to you and hugged you tightly, everyone was surprised when they saw you hug jisung back tightly. 

"y/n" chenle cheered happily while you looked at him as he smiled brightly. You knew you would have to make it up to mark and haechan, you did something terrible to them. You looked at their tired faces but saw how they smiled brightly at you still. Everyone happily greeted you, johnny still looked upset but you noticed the small smile on his face. 

Then you felt it, so many overwhelming emotions. One that was truly overwhelming was the rush of pure happiness. Instead of your wings shaking behind you for once you finally changed your stoic expression willingly.

You smiled brightly.

Everyone froze and then jaehyun just breathed out.

"Shit, that's cute" 

Cupid and His Angel of Death | nct jaehyun x reader|Where stories live. Discover now