1 ~ Angel of Death

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You sighed while you followed around the human, you hated your job with a passion. Your large black wings ruffled behind you as you walked. You couldn't even fly around because the human you were following was such a slow walker. 

You had been doing this job for seventy years, now that means you were practically a newbie. After all angels of death were immortal, you were forever stuck at whatever age you were currently. All angels of death were around your age, you weren't sure what exact age but you assumed from the other angels you've seen everyone was around what humans considered to be twenty years old. 

However, some people did look slightly younger or some older, not by much though, maybe a couple of years. 

You groaned thinking about doing this job forever and your wings ruffled behind you more aggressively. You often ruffled your wings when you were upset, it was a habit since your boss forbid all angels of death from showing emotions through their face. 

You followed the human girl further until you noticed the large ribbon attached to her wrist was turning black. The girl continued her walk and she waved to someone. You watched as the person she was waving to was crossing the road to get to her. 

Your eyes glowed a bright purple and you know what was going to happen. The male who waved was pushed out of the way from the incoming speeding car and the girl was hit. You hated what you were seeing, this is why you hated your job.

You approached the girl who was now laying on the ground, she didn't have a lot of time left. The guy she pushed out of the way desperately began shaking her shoulder.

"n-no" he was crying. You looked down at him and your face remained stone cold but your heart was aching, you know he could not see you though. No human could. 

You know everything about any human you were assigned. You know their height, their favorite color, favorite food, and just about anything else. So you know exactly who was crying while trying to wake up the girl, he was her one year younger brother. 

"someone call an ambulance" he yelled desperately but you sighed once again, you know she wouldn't wake up, after all if you were sent to collect her soul the girl was as good as dead.

She would die at exactly at 5:47 pm, four minuets from now. You watched as the ribbon on her wrist was almost completely black. You felt a familiar feeling of sadness that you desperately tired to push away. 

You felt emotions just like humans and you hated it. 

You watched as the boy screamed "someone call and ambulance" he was trying to stop the bleeding from her head. It wasn't going to work.

5:45 pm

You looked down at the boy, park jisung would be losing his sister forever. So would everyone who was close to minji, they would be losing the girl at a young age. Minji was kind, she was thoughtful, she was caring, everything a good person should be. Of course she had her bad moments but she was a good human in your eyes.

You could not do anything about the almost fully black ribbon though. Your job was always to simply collect the human souls who died. You could never change the ribbon.

5:46 pm 

You heard the sirens but you know they would be too late. You watched as the human boy cried over his sister and you spread your wings prepared to leave soon. You saw him shiver as you opened your wings and your eyes widened. Most humans could not ever see an angel of death or even sense them. 

However, sometimes a rare human comes who can at least feel a slight presence from big movements. As the boy shivered when you spread your wings you know he was probably one of them. He looked back at where he felt the movement and it was like he was looking right at you.

You felt your whole body freeze, you hated when you accidentally met eyes with humans, and now a crying one was looking at you with such helpless eyes, you felt like a true monster.

5:47 pm

Then you watched the ribbon that used to be on the girls wrist turn completely black before untying itself and the girl got up, although she was almost see through now. She was dead and you were to collect her soul. You still meet the eyes of the boy and your heart hurt. 

She looked around confused and the ribbon flew over to you. You gently took it in your hands. You looked over to her after breaking eye contact with the younger brother. Although you know he could not see you, he was simply looking at nothing. 

"Park Minji, age 19. Time 5:47 pm. You are officially dead, I am simply here to collect your soul" you said while holding up the black ribbon. Even thought it seemed to look like a normal ribbon it actually a human soul, every human had one attached to their wrist. 

Her eyes widened as she looked down and saw her own body. She didn't freak out though she just looked at her crying brother.

"once I transform your soul into a gem you will have been successfully collected and you will leave earth" you said holding onto the ribbon, or her soul.

She looked at you and her eyes finally widened "you are like my age" she said and you looked at her confused. Most people would beg you to bring them back to life, which you can't do anyways. 

"in human terms I am seventy" you said simply and she looked at you with wide eyes.

"woah so you're like a grandma" you looked at her with a stoic expression and she laughed. You had not heard a soul laugh before when you came for them. She looked at her brother again and she whispered.

"what's going to happen to jisung if I leave, do you know. Like it's kind of dumb to say out loud but do you have future vision or anything" she said.

"no, I do not" you replied and flared your wings, you watched her expression and she cried silently. 

Since you know everything about your currently assigned human you know why she was worried. Park jisung and Park Minji were alone, their parents had died a long time ago in an accident. You sighed and looked down at the ribbon or her soul. You watched the soul as it floated in the air right above your hand, you should not be doing this but a part of you felt your emotions overwhelming you. So you waved your hand and the ribbon tied itself into a small bow.

"Normally I'm not supposed to do this, I should simply turn your soul into a gem but I've tied it first. After I turn it into a gem you will still have to leave earth but you may visit your brother in his dreams once."

Her eyes widened and she hugged you while she cried in your arms.

"t-thank you. I just want one last goodbye. Thank you so much....." she whispered and she looked like she was waiting. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"you are supposed to tell me your name" she giggled and you were very surprised, no soul had ever asked for your name. Most guardian angels were asked for theirs but not angels of death. 

"my name is y/n" You were not meant to show your emotions all angels of death weren't so you did not return the smile she had. Then you simply crushed the bow in your hands while a gem appeared with a glowing center. 

Then minji glowed before she disappeared. You looked at the gem and watched it disappear as well. You spread your wings as you took flight towards your home. 

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