Write me a love song. Even though it's not true.

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 OK!! So the last chapter of DOATN was named weirdly. But I apologize for that. I was planning on putting the actual first day of Raines' in the hospital in that chapter, but anyway this is, technically, the real first day of her in the hospital!! So enjoy!!

Raines' POV

 I awoke in the, not really familiar room. Someone was knocking on the door saying, "Get up. I need your blood pressure."

  I shot up out of the bed and looked around the room. 

"Where the hell am I?" I ran a hand through my hair, which was now at my sides. I looked around the room when my eyes landed on the other girl. Her hair was weird, yet pretty at the same time. The bottom layer was dark brown, the top layer was bleach blonde. It was clearly dyed. You could slightly see her roots. Her eyes were green. Reminding me somewhat of Harry. I smiled sadly at the memory of the curly haired boy.

"You're at the Bradley Center. Remember you got here last night." She explained with a 'duh' expression on her face and tone in her voice. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose as all the memories came flooding back.

"Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it..." I repeatedly swore. I began pacing around the room. There was a window. You could see the sky clearly and it was dark. How early had they woke us up?

"You know, they don't put up with profanity here," The girl said to me. What's her name again? Katie.....YES! Katie!!

"Well I don't give a fu-" I started before she interrupted me.

"You aren't a morning person are you?" She asked, putting her hair into a loose ponytail. I shook my head and just walked completely out of the room. My heart started hammering in my chest. I was afraid everyone would hear it. I need to talk to Harry. Like NEED to. 

  When I was in the hallway, I began pacing quickly. No matter how tired I was, I kept pacing. I fought the sleepiness. My hand was pressed against my my forehead as I paced the hallway. All I could hear was the blood pounding in my ears. Then I heard a ringing in both of my ears and a sharp pain right in between my eyes.

  I let out a squeal, and not the good kind, and slid down the wall, holding my head in my hands. The pain and the noise was too much to bear. I felt the tears against my hands. The tears were cold against my warm skin. I felt a presence around me. But I couldn't understand what they were saying. It all just sounded like jumbled up words. The only thing I could understand loud and clear was the ringing in my ears, forcing me into a world of pitch black.

Liam's POV

  I sobbed into Harry's arms as he stared at my arm. Turns out, it's true. Raines was already at the hospital. And she was gone. Completely gone. Now that she knew the truth about me, she would never accept me back. Not now. Not ever. She probably didn't even want to hear my voice, like I want to hear hers.

"She's gone Harry. Because of that stupid lie. That stupid dare." I barely even got that out of my mouth because of how hard I was crying. I could barely even understand myself.

"She still loves you Liam. I'm sure of it. It was one mistake. That can't mess it up forever."

"No Harry! This wasn't the first mistake. The first mistake was when I told her that some of it was a dare. This is the second mistake. Probably the worst mistake a guy could ever make. And I hate myself for it."

"Just give her time Liam..." Harry whispered to me.

"Harry what did I do? I mean, she never knew that I lied to her until I told her. But she broke up with me before I even told her that. So something happened beforehand to make her breakup with me. Did I do something wrong? Did I not love her enough? I'm so confused Harry!! I want her back." He was quiet for a while after I said that. I closed my eyes and tried to keep the tears from falling. Somehow they managed to squeeze between my shut eyelids.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now