Why The Hell Don't You Love Me?

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OMGGGSSS!!!!  I wish I could update more than I do and I try my best to but sometimes I just can't...anyway! DON'T KILL ME FOR NOT UPDATING IN FOREVER!! I'm so so so so sorry!!! I will try and update more, but I'm fixing to start cheerleading and I jus started drama and guitar and vocal lessons so my schedule is PACKED like I swear I don't even have time to tie my shoes anymore! Literally! I have to wear boots all the time! Okay, enough of me time for Raines!! And Liam of course! Here's the next chapter of Diary of a Teenage Nerd!!! You guys are going to love me!! Or hate me! It depends on your view of the story! So...read now please!!

  Raines' POV

  My dad and my father stared at me like I had just asked if I could murder someone and they would keep it a secret. I smirked and started laughing. My dad glared at me.

"You should have SEEN your face! AAAHHHH!!!" I screamed as I started laughing, I fell back in my chair clapping.

"That wasn't even funny Raines. I thought you were serious. I was about to slap you and ask what those boys have done to you," My dad said sternly.

"Those boys have done nothing to me!" I said still gigglig, but I could feel the anger boiling inside me as he mentioned them.  But I kept on laughing, trying to hide the fact that I was upset.

"Well it's good to see you laughing again sis," Daniel said looking at me once I'd calmed down. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair. He shrugged off my hands. "I never said you could touch the hair now. My hair's too cool for your hands Raines. Haven't you noticed?" He asked, posing for me. I looked at him, obviously confused.

"Honey your hair looks the same as it did when you were five. And you still act like you're five too!" I told him. My dad laughed.

"Says the girl who dances to Taylor Swift while screaming the lyrics, thinking no one can hear you," He backfired. My eyes widened and I blushed scarlet red.

"That...that's different," I said hiding my face with my hair. They both laughed at me. "Are you laughing at me? Why are you laughing? This isn't funny!" I protested. I looked at them bewildered and they continued to laugh at me. I faked hurt, hiding my face by covering it with me hands. "You are so mean to me!" I said pretending to cry, I sniffled, for dramatic effect.

"Raines you are a terrible actress," I heard my brother say. I looked up and glared at him and he smirked. "But you are a good singer. Matter of fact you're a great singer. Actually you are the best singer I've ever heard. How about that dad?"

    My dad looked between me and my brother, with a look of confusion and shock. I hid my face once again. Why was I acting shy all of a sudden? This wasn't like me. Actually yeah it was. I just hadn't been that shy since I had Liam. But...oh I know why I'm sad now. It's because I don't have Liam anymore.

"Raines, why didn't you tell me you could sing?" My dad asked, his eyes finally settling on me.

"You obviously didn't notice because it's all I've ever done, and I didn't bother saying anything because I didn't think you actually cared. I went days without eating or coming out of my room and no one even came to make sure I was okay. I sat in my room alone, cutting myself because of the bullies, because I didn't have any friends, and because I felt so alone, because no one would talk to me. No one would even so much as say 'hey' to me. I never got any attention until Liam came. I would be dead if it wasn't for Liam. And he's gone now.." I sobbed. I buried my face into my hands as I began to cry again.

"Hey...Raines it's gonna be okay. C'mere." I felt someone pull me into their chest as I cried.

"No. No it's not gonna be okay. He hates me!!" I cried as I leaned into whoever was hugging me.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя